FO dripping from cut bars

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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2009
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Just made a batch using my normal recipe the size is 56oz and I added 2.5 oz of FO as usual, although I have never used "Bitter Almond" before. I cut the log up and as I was cutting I noticed it was like little beads of clear liquid oozing.

Every bar had it spaced about half inch apart through the face of them on both sides , when I touched it and smelled it, I'm almost sure its pure FO.

Anyone ever have this happen before and any suggestions of what to do with the batch? Let it cure or bail it?

I have a wooden log mold, I cover it in a towel and set it on a cabinet in the kitchen for approx. 24 hours before cutting.

I use same method and location for almost all batches and this is first time it has happened.

There also seems to be some spots in the soap which are little pockets of liquid.
If this is just FO, and it sounds like it just might be, it will probably reabsorb into the soap as it is curing. Leave it alone and keep air circulating around it on the cure rack...make sure there is enough air space around each cut bar. It should reabsorb in a few weeks. Sooner, if you curing space has really dry air.