FO and EO measurement question??

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New Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Hi to everyone! I am new here and I have a question that seems simple but I cannot get a direct answer for so I thought I would ask it here. When measuring fragrance oils and essential oils and say you need 3oz fragrance oil to add to your soap, how do you measure that exactly? I am getting answers to use a scale and then others use measuring cups or syringes like for medicine with the tsp/tbsp/ml/oz marked on side. Which is correct? I weighed out 3 ounces on scale and then just used medicine cups with measurements on side and it was 2 totally different amounts. Which is correct :?:

you need to work all in one type of measure. if you don't then how do you know your formula? % is the way you should work.

and that type of measure should absolutely be weight.

both are 'correct' (well as correct as an inaccurate measuring device like a medicine cup can make it - but that's another discussion). but different all the same because not everything has a specific gravity of 1.00

just use weight, and a good scale, and save yourself all sorts of aggravation.

I know where you're coming from with that question. The Everything Soapmaking Book has an essential tip that "you can start with 1 teaspoon of fragrance oil or 1 T of essential oil per pound of oils." I have found the book really helpful, but you just can't beat the wisdom of some of the soapers on this forum!

I have always weighed my oils but when I started speaking to other soapers they did not all agree that was correct. That is when the difference of opinions started. It got me to thinking, which is right? I have a fragrance now that says
"maximum use 2/10oz (1tsp) per pound of soap"
I then have a fragrance oil that states
"max use per pound 2tblsp (1oz)"
Then of course the others are just % per pound. So that poses the question asked, which is correct?
Yeah....there's a lot of contradictory information out there, but the manufacturers know their own formulas. Use their guidelines and use the weight measures that they give. Get a good scale, like carebear said, and you should be good to go.

For oils that have no guidelines for measuring, I start out with .7 oz per pound of soaping oils. If it's something very strong, I start out with .5 oz, or even .25 oz, depending on what I'm doing. Make a small test batch, and then keep good notes. That way, you know exactly what YOU like best, and that's the beauty of handcrafted soap. :)

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