Floral soap seized...of course

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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2013
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I knew going into it that floral FO's tend to seize, but all the reviews of the FO were good and many said it did not accelerate trace. Soooo...I made a rose scented soap today that seized on me! I guess I have been very lucky so far...I have had some fast movers, but none that really get solid...until today.

I was able to glob it into the mold and mash it down as best I could, but I'm not sure how it will turn out...what should I expect? I really don't want to rebatch it because it is a pink bottom layer, then a pencil line of activated charcoal, then white on top with rose petals. The pink layer thickened up a lot, but was still pourable. The white layer was what turned nearly solid on me.

Assuming, by some miracle, that it looks half-way decent when I cut it, are there any problems with using it? The batter was fully blended before it seized. I'm eager to cut it...what should I expect to find?
The soap itself will be fine. You may find some air bubbles because the top layer was so thick; you can't really pound the mold enough to get any air pockets through that solid of a layer. It may go to gel quickly too and sometimes accelerators seem to get hotter than non-accelerators, at least to me. Otherwise, your soap should be perfectly good and I bet it will turn out really pretty.

The reports of no acceleration- sometimes they perplex me. Did the person just use a small percentage of FO, like 1%, that they didn't get any A or do they have a super-slow moving recipe? Did they just use a single color and had no problems? It always makes me scratch my head when something moves fast on me but other say they had no problems.
Something to try when you have a fast mover is to split the soap off to its respective colours stir in the colour and then as you are ready to pour each colour add your fragrance, stir to get it well incorporated then pour. Do this with each layer and you will have a better chance of getting it all into the mould.
Lindy, I did fragrance each layer as I went...that's how fast it moved! I am scratching my head all all the reviews that claimed no acceleration. Oh well, I will see how it unfolds tomorrow :)
I knew going into it that floral FO's tend to seize, but all the reviews of the FO were good and many said it did not accelerate trace. Soooo...I made a rose scented soap today that seized on me! I guess I have been very lucky so far...I have had some fast movers, but none that really get solid...until today.

I was able to glob it into the mold and mash it down as best I could, but I'm not sure how it will turn out...what should I expect? I really don't want to rebatch it because it is a pink bottom layer, then a pencil line of activated charcoal, then white on top with rose petals. The pink layer thickened up a lot, but was still pourable. The white layer was what turned nearly solid on me.

Assuming, by some miracle, that it looks half-way decent when I cut it, are there any problems with using it? The batter was fully blended before it seized. I'm eager to cut it...what should I expect to find?
What I do when I have one that seizes that badly I will put it in the over for a couple of hours at 170-200. I never like the look of an oven processed but it will help with getting rid of some of the pockets usually left when soap as seized so badly
Cut pics! Don't forget!

It didn't turn out too bad! The consistency feels a little bumpier than usual, but otherwise I think it turned out okay...

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I can't believe you managed to get that pencil line in with it moving that fast! Very pretty.

The pink batter just got thick, but it was still workable. When I was doing the pencil line, I hadn't added the FO to the white batter yet, so I thought things were still okay. When I finished the pencil line, I then added the FO to the white soap. In a matter of seconds, my white batter started going solid, so I quickly mashed it into the mold. I was sure that I probably messed up the pencil line from all the pressure I was using. I am thinking the pink layer had probably hardened up by this point, which saved the pencil line :)
It does look really nice. I love rose, guess I lucked out that neither of my FO's accelerates. Where is yours from so I know not to try it lol,

WSP Victorian Rose...maybe it was just me, because the reviews are awesome.
WSP Victorian Rose...maybe it was just me, because the reviews are awesome.

That's the rose fo I have and it didn't accelerate at all (although it was a fairly small % since it's a bit strong). I do use mostly soft oils though and soap pretty cool so that could be why. Oh, and I also add my fragrance in with my oils before adding the lye water.

Regardless, your soap looks amazing! I never would've known you had trouble with it!
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Aside from the trouble it gave me, I'm not crazy about this fragrance. It smells a little chemical-ish to me...I'll have to try English tea rose. Does it behave well in cp?
Well I say you beat thst soap into submission. Great job, beautiful.

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