Awhile back I was going to try and introduce flax seed into my sons (and daughters) diet for medical reasons, but sadly neither one will eat it when it's ground into a fine powder and mixed with other foods. (I've made A-Z bread with it and they never knew but i can't have them eating cake every day to get it.) LOL
Anywho, my parents farm, and so my dad went into his grain bin (with cleaned flax seed) and took out two big coffee can's for me. And I haven't used much at all, because neither kid will eat it.
So my question is does anyone else use flax seed (ground or whole) in their soaps? What would be the best way to add this to soaps (or other B&B products?
So should I try to find another use for all this flax seed that I have.
Anywho, my parents farm, and so my dad went into his grain bin (with cleaned flax seed) and took out two big coffee can's for me. And I haven't used much at all, because neither kid will eat it.
So my question is does anyone else use flax seed (ground or whole) in their soaps? What would be the best way to add this to soaps (or other B&B products?
So should I try to find another use for all this flax seed that I have.