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Mr. Beanbastic....... ... id=8255179

never tried posting a link before, but I just tried it here, hope it works.....

Thanks for the compliment on the soaps, I've been making them a couple of years now. Some people are all into the "glycerin" soaps. That bubble gum went over well with the kids. (it's a flavor/fragrance oil, that I want to try making some soap for brushing teeth, but that's a whole 'nother thread I'm not sure I want to delve into just yet) I love comming up with the designs and such, that part is fun. It seems that I loose my whole kitchen when making them though, and the mess.......ugh! Guess I should get off the box here and go get some done, maybe after "getting back into it, the creative juices will start flowing again. I haven't made any MP since early December?
Jadie I did not say mango is not stable. I said it will give a less stable lather than shea, meaning in your combination the shea would make a more creamy lather than mango would.

Marr is correct about the recipe. I have been reading old post at 2 other forums and have seen this recipe many times it is very basic many have used it or something close
Lucy said:
Jadie I did not say mango is not stable. I said it will give a less stable lather than shea, meaning in your combination the shea would make a more creamy lather than mango would.

oh, sorry I miss read that. I guess what I meant was that I didn't know what you meant by "stable". I think what you're saying is...shea would produce more creamy lather, mango will not? I might try 5% each of shea, mango and castor then. I will try the soapcalc with the various recipes to see what the differences are. Thanks for helping me clear that up (at least I THINK I get it now).

Just guessing makes it harder than shea, right?
Two weeks ago I made a small batch of 100% mango butter, a recipe given to me from a nice woman (somewhere else in a group, not here). It called for honey, powdered milk and powdered oatmeal. I was a little leary of using all mango, but i just got a great deal on #s of mango butter and couldn't wait to try it in SOMETHING! The bars turned out nice and hard, the oatmeal makes it gently exfoliating and it's very "moisturizing" but barely a lick of lather! I know that might improve a little as it cures longer. I like it, but I know....A LOT of people must have their lather! I haven't checked the "cleansing" number on it, didn't think of that till now (I'll check soapcalc-if I can figure it out) I'll bet it's not very high.

BTW, my name is Sharon, Jadie is my daughter. She likes to help make soap too! (MP) She's 12, but she enjoys the "selling" much more than the making. She's a great little sales person when we go to the farmer's market and craft shows, everyone's always telling me how such a great little sales lady she is. She knows all about the soaps I make (I've only sold 100% OO CP bars so far-the rest is MP and Salts) so people are so impressed they buy soap! (cheap labor :lol: , though she does earn a "commision")

Thank you for getting back to me. I really appreciate the help. I'm off to the soapcalc......