I decided to give the mica samples and a long RUN I found in Staples a go this evening. I only managed to squeak it into the RUB but it looked quite pretty for my first attempt....note to self.....measure the volume of the container first.....
I decided to give the mica samples and a long RUN I found in Staples a go this evening. I only managed to squeak it into the RUB but it looked quite pretty for my first attempt....note to self.....measure the volume of the container first.....
Those are some pretty swirls!
Why not just downsize your recipe?
Cut the soap.....but it was still a bit soft so a bit of colour dragged and it gave a little when pressed...hardened up now.
The titanium dioxide seems to have made a grainy pattern...looks okay ish... and are those clear lines the famous glycerin rivers? Very exciting!
Smells lovely though am glad I only put a few drops of the litsea cubea in...so lemony!
Yes, that is glycerin rivers. Very striking. Its also a sign of pure soap - with no fillers.
So how do you get rivers on purpose? I like them too.
So how do you get rivers on purpose? I like them too.