This is my first milk soap and castor oil soap and my second lard soap.
SAO 3%
Castor 7%
Lard 50%
OO 20%
CO 20%
5% Superfat
I added the lye directly to the coconut milk. I had the coconut milk in the freezer but I don't think it was cold enough. It turned dark brown/tan as soon as I added the lye and turned into a mass. However, upon striring it, it seemed to loosen up a bit and I went ahead and used it. So far none of the dark color from the milk has come through. At trace I added desicated unsweetened coconut for exfoliation.
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SAO 3%
Castor 7%
Lard 50%
OO 20%
CO 20%
5% Superfat
I added the lye directly to the coconut milk. I had the coconut milk in the freezer but I don't think it was cold enough. It turned dark brown/tan as soon as I added the lye and turned into a mass. However, upon striring it, it seemed to loosen up a bit and I went ahead and used it. So far none of the dark color from the milk has come through. At trace I added desicated unsweetened coconut for exfoliation.
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