First Craft Show

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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2013
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We attended our first craft show last weekend. Everything being sold had to be handmade. While we didn't make enough money to retire on it was a very worthwhile experience and very enjoyable. It was great talking to other soap makers who were shopping and stopped by to chat. And to non-soapers explaining soap making. What doesn't show well in the photo is the descriptive information for each of the 4 different types of soap we had on the table.

As fate would have it there was another soap maker selling soap who was almost right across from us. The show was full and we could not be moved. I don't think she was happy with that. The lesson learned was to ask for the organizers to check that we not be placed near another soap maker if possible.

Festival Table.jpg
Congratulations on your first craft show! Glad you enjoyed the experience.

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