First batch of HP soap

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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2010
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I'm going to make my first batch of HP soap (in the slow cooker), and I wanted to make a kitchen soap. I don't have any lemon essential oil, and I don't want to wait to order some, or trek over to Wegman's during our snowstorm. I have winter grapefruit, eucalyptus, rosemary, tea tree, and basil. Any suggestions on which one (or ones) would be good for a kitchen soap?
I vote grapefruit and rosemary. Rosemary to anchor and grapefruit for fresh citrus scent. Good luck let us know what you use.
I vote eucalyptus because I love it and because I think I read somewhere that it helps with bad odours.
Traceyann said:
if you use your slow cooker to make HP soap, can it still be used for cooking in ???

yah, i wouldn't use for cooking either. try your local thrift stores for a second crockpot (also a second coffee grinder if you like to grind things for soap too), second set of funnels, spatulas, and anything else that might taste/smell like soap after you've used it for soap. ask me how i know ;) hah, meat loaf in a silicon mold i'd used once for soap, hahahaahhhhhh :lol:

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