Scales arrived today and this evening I took over the kitchen to make as many mistakes as possible while making soap. My lovely assistant (wife) gave me moral support and helped line the mold while I was weighing everything. Once it was all put together I stirred and stirred and stirred and stirred and stirred and stirred. After all of that I found out what happens when the stick stirrer is raised too high in the pan. :shock: While I was cleaning the counter, dishwasher front, floor, dog, cat, etc.
, my lovely assistant stirred and stirred and stirred and stirred until cleanup was finished and we passed stick without missing a beat. What professionals! :roll: Just before wearing a hole in the bottom of the stainless pan we were using trace finally appeared. Poured and put in the oven according to the instructions in the tutorial and now we wait. It's got to get better but what fun.
Hope these pics aren't too big.
Afterwards our conversation was "oh, didn't do this, didn't do that, shoulda done this, forgot to do that" and on and on. Learned so much by making this first ugly batch.
Looks like cake.
Just screams NEWBIE!
Hope these pics aren't too big.
Afterwards our conversation was "oh, didn't do this, didn't do that, shoulda done this, forgot to do that" and on and on. Learned so much by making this first ugly batch.
Looks like cake.
Just screams NEWBIE!