Fight Club, Finally!

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Dec 25, 2012
Reaction score
Southwestern USA
I have never seen Fight Club but am sitting down to watch it now. Judging only by the title, I would never have thought to rent it. But my curiosity is piqued after several posts on this forum. I water at the mouth with Brad Pitt's look, and if he's a soap maker, all the better! I'm also into murder and mayhem (not first hand, of course). Soap, murder, and Brad -- what more could a girl want??

My husband has seen the movie and I've asked him a few questions about it. He'll only say "you can't talk about Fight Club." When I tell him I know that Brad Pitt plays a soap maker, he acts like I've been sniffing lye. So obviously I just need to watch the movie and see what it's really about. I'm trying to keep a low expectation since there's probably a reason this film is 15 years old and I have never seen it.

Popcorn in hand... lights dimming... hitting play!
LOL, I watched that a couple of months ago for the first time ever. No spoilers, but I was astounded that people did not realize what kind of soap was on that counter.
And now you know why, when you say you make soap, people always ask "Oh, like in Fight Club, ha ha?".

BTW, the correct answer to that question is "Yes". ;)
Breaking bad and Fight Club

Yesterday my daughter and I were making soap decked out in our aprons, safety goggles, and rubber gloves. We felt like it was a combination of "Breaking Bad" and "Fight Club".
When I started making soap in this area and before I found good suppliers of NaOH I looked for it in several hardware stores in Los Angeles.

me: Tiene hidroxido de sodio? se usa para abrir tuberias pero tambien para hacer jabon! yo solo quiero hacer jabon!

them: No, no tenemos, la gente lo usa para fabricar anfetaminas.

me: No, amfetaminas no, yo solo fabrico jabon!

Then they follow me around the store with curiosity. I swear I just want to make soap!!!!!!!!

I gave up and found some in my smallish town out of the big town....where I payed a bit more for it and asked for it in English. True story.
One of my fav movies. I have been thinking about calling the fat sucking clinic in the next town over to inquire of how to get my hands on some of their supply lol so I can soap it. Flipping sick but if I will soap fat of other animals, what's the difference ya know?
Those real life analogies to the underworld are pretty funny guys. Appearances are sometimes everything. Late night chemistry with goggles and gloves, a fume hood, and unknown fatty substances -- that's all some people need to know to draw conclusions. Wouldn't they be surprised if they stuck around for the cut -- or better yet, the shower!
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When I first started soapmaking I was at my local ACO and had 6 bottles of lye in my cart. My next door neighbor was a couple customers behind me though I hadn't noticed. All of a sudden he says in a loud voice.."Hey, I thought they shut down your meth lab" people looked at me and then he started laughing. I laughed and then explained that I was really making soap. I actually took some in to the gals/guy at ACO a week later.
I've never been a fan of low slung pants on men, but.....

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Best Movie Ever! When I moved in with my hubby 2 years ago, he asked me if I ever saw it. I was kinda sheltered growing up, so I never got to. He turned it on and I just fell in love with it. After watching Brad Pitt make soap, I got curious and wanted to try it myself. Thanks to this movie, I'm now addicted to making soap lol.

At least they used a couple good looking guys in the movie, always makes everything better! ;)

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