Feedback on my tallow soap recipe

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New Member
Sep 15, 2024
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Hello all!

I’m new to the soapmaking world as of a few months ago. I got into it for fun, and have since truly become addicted! I’d love to start producing soaps to sell locally to my rural town, and have been working on developing a recipe.

I’ve tested variations of this recipe and have added things, but have overall dialed it in. Before I test it out with my one day sale products (lots more testing and curing and experimenting to go before market — just want to get the base recipe down!) I wanted some feedback.

Yes, this is a HIGH tallow recipe. I live in a rural area where beef fat is readily available and people love it. I would make a 100% tallow soap, and still might one day, but the 10% castor oil is added to bring up conditioning and add a few bubbles. I’d like to avoid adding other oils unless necessary.

I read on this forum 33% lye concentration is best, so that is what I added in this recipe.

I do plan on doing some basic swirls at some point.

I also add honey to every soap recipe with hopes to increase lather. 1.5tsp for the whole batch, mixed with about an ounce of the water (before it’s added to the lye) and added at a light trace.

ALL feedback is welcome. I’m relatively new in the grand scheme of things and love advice!

Specific questions:
Is the lower conditioning number really going to affect my soap? What could I add to increase it, and is it really THAT necessary?

Is my low cleansing number that bad? I read on this forum the cleansing number is one of those that is somewhat up for interpretation. Some soapers mentioned even a cleansing value of 1 would still clean because, it’s soap!

Thanks in advance! And here’s the soap Calc recipe!


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Thanks if you read all that!

I also forgot to add, I just bought some Sodium Gluconate powder to use as a chelator. I’m not 100% sure how to incorporate it yet, but I will be adding it to every batch in hopes to not get DOS.

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