What does everyone think about using coconut oil in their facial bars? From the research I've done it looks like coconut oil is very comedogenic. What does everyone prefer?
I use almost 30% on my facial bars although I superfat at around 5-8%. My skin is oily with horrible cystic acne. This seems to help. As far as comedogenic goes coconut does not bother me. HTH
I use 25% CO and superfat @8%....but I also use a small percentage of ARGAN OIL. AO is a wonderful oil from the seeds of the spinosa tree (Argania spinosa), that is indigenous to Morrocco. (If you've ever tried the hair product called 'Morroccan Oil', you've experienced argan oil) AO was first used by european skin care specialists in preparations for their facial clients. It's extremely high in vitamin E and performs miracles on skin. It's not cheap (about $192.00 per gallon), but a small percentage (around 3-5%) is all you need. If you've ever seen pictures of the spinosa tree, you will often see GOATS in the trees eating the seeds (nuts). These goats are very important because the easiest way of getting to the meat of the seed is to wait until it goes THROUGH the goat. Locals pick up the droppings, separate the seeds, mash them (after cleaning them, of course) and make them into a butter. It's highly nutritious and is used as a food. The resulting oil is argan oil, and the sale of which is empowering the women of Morrocco. It's win/win for everyone.
This is quite an interesting additive. you can find more info about it HERE
I love coconut oil for a facial bar. I tend to like 30%. Then again, all of my soap, save castile, have had min 20% coconut oil. I like it in general. It's been great for my acne.