I have been buying cards from an artist named Emily who has an etsy shop. Emily. She is a teenage gal living in PA who happens to have down syndrome. http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5035356
Hey, I did not realize that was you pepper! I am there too, not quite a month yet. I am going to dump my ebay shop I think. I like the etsy thing WAY better!
I'm planning on selling there -eventually. :wink:
Unfortunately I registered before realizing that my username is also going to be the name in the link then *doh*
Oh well.. at least some more people might recognize me then this way from other boards
Hey, do you guys thing I should sell my TOG Soapmaking Tool lineup there? I've been reading how they charge, it seems fair. Is getting your money fairly easy? Thanks all.
Yes i think you could make some money there. I also added you to my favs aubrianne! I would also advertise on Soap Dish. There are loads of people on that site that go nuts for molds. You would make a killing!