EO's for coffee soap?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2008
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Hi, All!

I haven't been around for a while, but I'm getting back into my soap making and looking for some new ideas.

Hubby wants me to make a coffee soap, and I've read up on that. However, I don't want to use FO's, so does anyone have an idea of what EO's would be complementary to coffee soap? I'm not a coffee lover myself, so I got nothin'!

Also, the coffee won't "eat up" EO's, will it?

Thanks in advance!
Really anything. The coffee smell doesn't come through so use whatever EO's you want.

I like using lemongrass or peppermint.
I agree, The coffee liquid an coffee grinds usually make for
a great kitchen soap because it seems to help getting out
kitcheny smells from hands but the actual coffee smell usually
doesn't come through to finished soap.

Beware that if using coffe grinds or liquid - I've found that initially
the soap smells ugly for the first week, then the other smells
come through.

I can't wait to hear about which EOs you use and mebbe get pics?

i like 5xOrange EO with a touch of Litsea to anchor.

I think most citrus based EOs are nice with coffee soaps.
I like clove EO a lot but I've heard that it can make soap seize. I haven't tried it yet for that reason. Orange, cinnamon, allspice, and anise would all be good. And yes, the coffee scent doesn't survive the lye.
A coffee absolute. But, alas, coffee soaps don't tend to sell that well.

No seizing or catalyzing trouble from clove oil, not the way you'd notice it with bay oil, where it is obvious. As long as you know its coming, and you are ready and your mold, etc., is ready, then a quick change is okay, you can handle it.
I am intrigued by gratia's comment about the smell coming through. I'm also wondering, do you put used coffee grounds in the soap (I would think) as opposed to fresh out of the bag?
In my unscented coffee soap, I use both ground coffee beans and a strong brew of coffee instead of water. It doesn't smell like coffee to me, but there is definitely a scent. Almost nutty or earthy... I like it.
My coffee soaps smell like coffee also...but I use expresso so that's propably why. I also use grounds in the soap and call it my gardener's soap because it takes the dirt completely off after being in the garden. And A friend of mine uses it after working on his greasy cars. As for the scent I've added chocolate to it and smells like Mocha coffee!