Ivanstein, you seem like good people. I just can't stand pretentious people who act like this is a secret society or that soap making is hard. It's just chemistry. Chemistry isn't hard.
surreptrixus, I'm so glad you persevered and were happy with your final soaps. (you've got me curious what a Christmas hug smells like).
It is absolutely possible to successfully make soap the first time! Yes!
The attitude you've experience largely comes from the fact that these are long-term experienced soap makers. They don't think they're smarter or better than you but they are more knowledgeable and experienced.
Chemistry isn't hard? Thank the chemists who did the research and experimenting before they wrote the textbook filled with the formulas that were perfected. Thank the instructors who supervised your learning while you replicated the formulas. They are the ones who can foresee the consequences of good and bad choices.
I've been soaping for 4 years and every single batch has been a success. My first soaps were also given away and I wish I hadn't. I cringe to think of those first soaps. And that is because I really didn't know that there are an incredible amount of nuances in a bar of soap. Yup, it lathers well, smells good. But did my friend come back and tell me that her tub was coated in soap scum after using my soap a few times? Did the bar I gave my brother develop dos in less than 6 months? Yes. Did my best friend compliment my soap because it left her skin squeaky clean? Yes she did - and then called me days to ask why her skin was so dry and flaky?
And worse case; did I lose a very good friend because she accused my soap of harming her? YES. Could I take my soap records, recipes and notes to her doctor and explain why it wasn't my soap that caused her rash. YES! (Long story, but I'll tell it if you want to hear it)
You don't know what you don't know. I hope you continue making soap. I expect you will understand in the future why so many people discourage making and giving away your first batches of soap. They have very good reasons.