Ecstatic in Central PA

Soapmaking Forum

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Aug 3, 2010
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Central PA
Hi Everyone! I'm so glad to find a site like this! All of my soap-making dreams came true! I've got questions and man, do you have answers!

My husband, son, and I are IN LOVE with this whole soap making business. We made our first couple of batches of melt and pour, lip balm, and lotion earlier this year and that was just like a teaser! My husband said that he needed to get into the thick of REAL soap making. We checked out all the library books we could find and have held them hostage for months. I think it's time to buy our own now lol.

We want to start a business and did a ton of research the last 6 months before actually diving it. This week we have started production. We have made lip balm, lotion, and last night, our very first batch of CP. Tonight is the cutting. I AM SOOOOOOO EXCITED! :D

Everything went according to detail, now we wait for the unveiling. Here's to more happy soaping!

Thanks for being here!
Oh my goodness!! I can feel the excitement in your post!!

That's how I am too. Sometimes I have to go out for a drive to keep from unmolding too early. I'm lacking in the patience arena....

Soapmaking is a great addiction- it's so useful and fun! You'll have gifts for everyone, a source of income, a clean family, wonderful smells surrounding you, and this whole entire forum of people to support you.

I love it too! I'm a member at The Dish and The Whisk as well, but they are not nearly as welcoming and enjoyable as this forum!

Happy Soaping!
hehe...I'm a bit zealous. I told my husband today while he was home to not PEEK at the soap! I know exactly how i wrapped it!

I'm so stoked about all the things we are going to try! Swirls and molds and colors and scents and oils and on....All of our friends are certainly interested in how it's going to turn out and when can they get some. They were all bummed when I told them at least a month! I'm bummed too :(

I can feel the love and support of everyone here and it's fantastic! I have visited the other places but this one first caught my eye.

Thanks for the welcome!
Oh gosh the excitement! Hello fellow central pennsylvanier! I wish you luck in your endeavors! I too will be soaping it away sometime soon! So maybe we will cross paths one day!
The waiting is hard

I remember my first batch of cold processed soap. I had lye, water, lard, crisco and some coconut oil that I had found at a whole foods store. My mold was a shoe box lined with wax paper. I have to admit I PEEKED! :D

That was a four pound batch. Now I make four 16 pound batches at one time. I've come a long way but thanks for taking me back to the excitement of that first batch.

Wow! The soap is beautiful! Absolutely...almost like my newborn child. :D

This was about a 3-4lb batch. It was half our 5lb mold box and a 1 lb prefab mold. I've got 13 bars of soap! yay! 16 pounds is amazing, Deb. I need more molds for that lol

We used a basic olive, palm, cocoa butter, sweet almond oil recipe with a touch of grapeseed. I love the creamy color.

Will post pics soon. I'm now wishing 4 weeks would go by fast!
SideDoorSoaps said:
Wow! The soap is beautiful! Absolutely...almost like my newborn child. :D

This was about a 3-4lb batch. It was half our 5lb mold box and a 1 lb prefab mold. I've got 13 bars of soap! yay! 16 pounds is amazing, Deb. I need more molds for that lol

We used a basic olive, palm, cocoa butter, sweet almond oil recipe with a touch of grapeseed. I love the creamy color.

Will post pics soon. I'm now wishing 4 weeks would go by fast!

My husband, Bill, made my molds. They are 24 inches long, it takes 2 for my 16 lb batches and it makes 45-47 soaps. :) I never in my wildest dreams thought I'd be making a batch that large when I made my first batch of soap. I make about 180+ bars at one time now. :D