Ebru Technique Soap Challenge

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Aaaaargh! Managed to upload my photos to the gallery with my tablet, but I made a typo in the title! OMG! Is there any way to fix this?

I thnk you could contact Amy, if she is capable of removing entries than probably she can help you to either edit or add the entry again. Good luck!
I wrote to her, I hope we figure something out.
More experienced challenge participators - how does voting work? You only have one vote?
She usually gives us several votes. I think it depends on the number of entries. Last time for the U.S. entries we were given five votes and the international three. As its combined this time I would think five again probably?
Not ally, I agree they're beautiful (sonjas). I have one question for you. Why in the world are you not participating? It helps learn techniques because you normally wind up making several batches and that alone helps with experience. I've not been making soap a year yet...and I started the challenges back in December after making soap for only, oh, 4 months maybe?? I think you should seriously consider it for next month. It's so fun when you know everyone:)
LP, I would love to, I see these contest threads and am so envious. But also TOTALLY intimidated. I don't think I could even come close to doing anything good enough to send in when I see the pictures of the creations you guys submit. I think I have been soaping for about the same amount of time as Sonya, but we are in totally different worlds when it comes to technique/artistic ability. I think some people have a natural edge in these things, eg, Sonya's cake and ebru make me think she must draw/paint, and yours as well. Do you?

I like to swirl and am happy experimenting with them, but am all thumbs when it comes to drawing/detail work, I don't know if I will ever be good enough for complicated projects when it comes to things like that. Maybe if there is another swirl type contest (eg spin, butterfly or the like, I will discreetly try then, I might not tell you guys, though :)

I do love to see your posts on this stuff, and read your blogs about it.
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I am not a good soaper. I struggle with perceiving how swirls are created and executing it. I look at things and am dumbfounded as to how it was accomplished. Sometimes I luck out, but mostly I find myself mediocre.
I don't paint, tried as a teen but was amateurish. I draw, sometimes, haven't in ages but I do enjoy drawing. I take photos of family and free hand draw it. But that was a lifetime ago (ok, 10 years last time lol).
That's the thing about the challenges, Not_ally. It pushes you too try things you think you may not know or are not good at and no matter what, you become better at them. ALmost everyone seems to have to do multiple tries, which tells about the learning curve, but I don't think most of us would work this hard if it weren't for the contest.
I think you should enter next time not_ally. The challenges are difficult for all of us. Some are harder for some people than others. This one is especially hard for me as I am no way an artist. I am usually really intimidated by the other entrants as there are some spectacularly talented soapers out there, but I am always happy that I entered even if I don't do well and I love seeing the other entries. It's amazing how different all the entries always turn out.
I totally agree that you should enter next month. And yep to the multiple attempts too, I did 4 spin swirls before I was happy and before that 3 butterfly swirls.

I'm definitely not an artist - it doesn't come easy to me but I'm such a perfectionist that I will spend as long as I need to in order to get it how I want it.

Like I said in my blog, I very nearly didn't enter this one as I thought it would be too hard but that is exactly the reason I did - to challenge myself.

Please have a go next month - I'm sure you'll do great
Thanks for the encouragement, all of you. Still feeling pretty timorous, but maybe I will take the leap, I guess I don't have to actually send it in if it is truly horrid. I can imagine trying over and over and having to post it on the "ugly soaps thread" instead. Has the subject of the next challenge been announced yet?
Thanks for the encouragement, all of you. Still feeling pretty timorous, but maybe I will take the leap, I guess I don't have to actually send it in if it is truly horrid. I can imagine trying over and over and having to post it on the "ugly soaps thread" instead. Has the subject of the next challenge been announced yet?

Not that I'm aware of...
Luv, did yours disappear?
Ok, I only see 10. 2 have disappeared. It shows 2 pages but if I click page 2 it scrolls to the top and only shows the original 10 pics. I'm on a cell. The first video blog of holly Shelton and luvs is no longer there for me. Is it the same for everyone else, or just because I am on a cell?
I have just entered mine, but had to do it on the old style link up as Amy had problems with the other one. I think everyone has to upload their links again unfortunately. I'm looking at the entries on both link ups at the moment. They are all beautiful. I am struggling to work out who is who though. I love your entry sonya, it's beautiful and your cut soaps look just as good as the whole slab. I also really like your trilobites mintle, they are really cool. I can't work out who anyone else is though and I can't see luv's entry at all.
People have to go and relink if they were using the new platform since she switched back to the old one. The trilobites is you, Mintle? I love them! I'm a bit geeky too so get where you are coming from. Beautiful cherry blossoms and love the entry Saponista. It reminds me of rosemaling. Well done everyone!
That is gorgeous, Saponista, and so true to your inspiration. I actually love all of your "trial" attempts, too, the colors are amazing on each one. I am subscribed to your blog now, too! Newbie and Mintle, do you have blogs?