Ebru Technique Soap Challenge

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Don't even get me started on this. I made a comment asking how people can have LOST votes? But she won't let it up, I'm sure.
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Apparently someone voted twice, that's why the change in the positions.
And yes, I do like the owl, it is so cute, but for me this just isn't ebru...
Sorry but that owl isn't ebru and there was some overlay put on the whites of the eyes for them to go from pink in one pic to stark white. There are many entries far more ebru than that. The voting is just strange. It doesn't feel right.
Sorry but that owl isn't ebru and there was some overlay put on the whites of the eyes for them to go from pink in one pic to stark white. There are many entries far more ebru than that. The voting is just strange. It doesn't feel right.

To me this is s prime example of a soap that is eye catching doing well despite not following the rules
And number one had no ebru inspiration pic. Amy should have called her on it and just had her add whatever she used. I know, her soap is her soap but it's not that difficult to put a pic up of whatever she saw that made her use the techniques she chose. I am also befuddled by the voting overall.
No 12 didn't either. Nor 22, several...and I know one didn't when they uploaded, but got an ebru influence in there before voting opened. Just same thing like this every month. And if voters don't follow her set rules with the votes, then nothing will change short of Amy taking entries down.
No 12 didn't either. Nor 22, several...and I know one didn't when they uploaded, but got an ebru influence in there before voting opened. Just same thing like this every month. And if voters don't follow her set rules with the votes, then nothing will change short of Amy taking entries down.

Oh no you're right about 12 and I stupidly voted for it!
I guess that is part of the difference in what each of us sees as an inspiration (or influence picture, which is how Amy termed it) pic. Twleve posted links to technique videos. I didn't think we needed to try to copy or reproduce something we saw done in ebru at all. I thought we needed to show techniques that we then employed in whatever way we chose and we could be as creative as we wanted in what we produced. However, we needed to show something ebru where the same pattern, type of swirling, technique was used but we could then take it and put it to use however we wished. I see now why people made certain comments now. My spin was quite different on what the influence picture meant.
I guess that is part of the difference in what each of us sees as an inspiration (or influence picture, which is how Amy termed it) pic. Twleve posted links to technique videos. I didn't think we needed to try to copy or reproduce something we saw done in ebru at all. I thought we needed to show techniques that we then employed in whatever way we chose and we could be as creative as we wanted in what we produced. However, we needed to show something ebru where the same pattern, type of swirling, technique was used but we could then take it and put it to use however we wished. I see now why people made certain comments now. My spin was quite different on what the influence picture meant.

I didn't mean your influence by the way. Another soaper uploaded their soap with absolutely no ebru influence, but they did go and add it before voting began. I interpreted the rules as you did newbie. An ebru work of art that demonstrates your soap is an official ebru technique.

Edit to add Amy used a video for her purple soaps inspiration, so she said pic but did a pic and video herself.
I guess I could be accused of trying to reproduce something. Although it wasn't my intention - I just knew I wanted to attempt a cherry blossom tree so simply found an Ebru cherry blossom tree to use as my inspiration but I never intended to reproduce it.
I don't think it mattered whether you reproduced something, or put your own spin on it as long as it was ebru. The voting didn't go the way I thought it would at all. I feel deflated and disheartened now. If you can't win by nailing a technique then what's the point of entering?
I don't think it mattered whether you reproduced something, or put your own spin on it as long as it was ebru. The voting didn't go the way I thought it would at all. I feel deflated and disheartened now. If you can't win by nailing a technique then what's the point of entering?

Please don't be disheartened, like I said a few pages back, yours is amazing (and tied 5th out of 70 is pretty good going)
I realised that I didn't explain myself property last post and looked like I was whinging and fishing for compliments and was upset because I didn't win. I thought there were several entries that were better than mine, all the ones I voted for and I am disheartened that they didn't do better either. I simply don't understand where the voting is coming from. Some of the winners were great soaps visually but they really didn't capture the spirit of ebru to me. They were pretty pictures which wasn't what the challenge was truly about. That's why I feel deflated and disheartened because it seems to happen every challenge and I always feel that way.
I think you took me wrong, Sonya. Reproducing an ebru piece is also completely legit, but it wasn't a necessity, if you see what I mean. As long as you used techniques, you could apply them to recreate something you saw or come up with something completely original, as long as the technique was ebru. Sorry if I made you feel bad.

I think you should pitch your idea, Saponista.
None of the soaps I voted for placed (ok, I think the bird one with no tree did, but still!) I really don't like that the owl one won. I don't think that was representative of ebru at all. And what happened to the tree one?! I was sure that would win. My mom and I (I showed her the entries and we voted "together") thought either the tree or Saponistas would win for sure. She and I really loved Saponistas and I'm completely shocked it didn't place... I also thought newbie might place too. What the heck happened???
Either people have a very strange idea of what these challenges are about or people took advantage of finding ways to vote multiple times. I agree that Saponist's not placing seems very suspicious and then what did makes my suspicions jump through the roof. I'm out of the challenges after this, to be honest. I'll just work on techniques myself or throw the gauntlet down in front of a willing soaper to nail something we'd like to learn.
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