Dyslexic Soaper Needs Lye Calculator

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Does soap calc, bb calc, and mms calc all give you problems?
My oldest is dyslexic, a strong dyslexic. If these give you struggles I am unsure of anything else out there. There is a soap calc app, I believe, for the Iphone. I didn't find one for my android (unfortunately), but maybe an app for a phone would be easier to handle. Just a thought...
This was actually for someone on the forum. She said math dyslexia, and I saw that as regular dyslexia. Thanks anyway! (And, incidentally, my son said that brambleberry was the easiest if anyone wants to know.)
Love that one! Bookmarked it for future reference. Trying to get my son(eldest child) interested in making soap. I don't know how successful I will be, but worth a try, right?
I have dyslexia. I am higher functioning. I have one daughter and a son with it as well. Son is hit with it the worst. this is the soap calculator I find the easiest. http://www.soapcalc.net/calc/soapcalcwp.asp
I just click and add thee oil. The font is easier to read and well I just can not explain it but I find some of the others more confusing. Hope this helps from a new soapers perspective that has dyslexia (diagnosed not just guessing) LOL
I use Lard and Tallow and the natural soap one does not have that on it's list
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