Drooling over this Soap Room!

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and being in California I don't like the idea of heavy things so high up. I don't think she has to worry about earthquakes, but I wouldn't want to be climbing up there either.

If I soaped there a couple times it might look like an earthquake hit it.
I definitely agree with bringing down the things that are too high. I'm pretty short, so I'm sure I'd need a stool to reach things. I do love the organization, the cheerful wall color, the drying racks and the great selection of oils. I'd probably need more counter space but in my head her room is my dream room.
I love it.

I don't think that the stuff up on the highest shelf is regularly used things - maybe one of each thing is also lower down and when it is used up another is taken down and a new order placed? That way there is stock to hand but only what is needed, while the extras are waiting out of the way.

If you have 5 boxes of shrink wrap bags but only go through one a month, it makes perfect sense to have one within easier reach and the other 4 out of the way so that something else (more important) can also be within reach.
Damn, now I feel like a right pleb for doing all my soaping in the kitchen...all supplies in one cupboard...one wee set of shelves for drying on. I'd love a whole room all to my soaping...but I'd sell my soul to have one like that

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