DOS? Say it ain't so!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2012
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So...I've had this soap curing for over 6 weeks, I checked up on it today and I've noticed slightly discolored spots including one very distinct orange spot. I really thought it took longer for soaps to go rancid (unless stored in poor conditions, which mine weren't) so I'm rather puzzled. :confused: My recipe test batch made two weeks earlier is just fine as is another full sized batch, same oils only different fragrances and clay additives. I'm not sure what to make of this, could this orange spot be a fluke? In any case I guess I'll have to wait and see if the other bars develop any spots of their own. :\ Bleh.

The Dreaded Orange Spot of Death! >_< Possibly, maybe. Boo!


Some rather obscure semi-splotches. Mostly located in the areas colored with neutral colored clay and bordering the purplish/pink bits.

The orange spot definitely looks like dos.
I'd remove that soap & get them away from your other curing soaps A.S.A.P.

Did you have anything touching that soap at any time during cutting & curing?
OMG, upon further inspection of the orange spot and I've figured out the problem! XD So I used this little plastic shot glasses to mix my colors in. Little *orange* shot glasses....a piece of one must have broken off and ended up in the batter! Well, I'm never using those glasses again. :p As for the other semi-splotches, I'm guessing they're nothing to worry about now that I know the real cause behind the orange spot.

Thank you Genny for your feedback! From now on I'll know that if I do spot a DOS soap to get it away from my other soaps asap. :)
I was reading up on DOS and most of the things I read said it's not harmful....just a cosmetic thing. I've never experienced it yet so I don't know.
I was going to say it didn't look lik DOS to me. But one thing I've always noticed is that DOS is definitely softer than the surrounding soap. That helps me identify it.
Good point, la-rene. Once I poked the spot and discovered it was harder than the surrounding soap I realized it couldn't be rancid. Whew!

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