Well-Known Member
So...I've had this soap curing for over 6 weeks, I checked up on it today and I've noticed slightly discolored spots including one very distinct orange spot. I really thought it took longer for soaps to go rancid (unless stored in poor conditions, which mine weren't) so I'm rather puzzled. My recipe test batch made two weeks earlier is just fine as is another full sized batch, same oils only different fragrances and clay additives. I'm not sure what to make of this, could this orange spot be a fluke? In any case I guess I'll have to wait and see if the other bars develop any spots of their own. :\ Bleh.
The Dreaded Orange Spot of Death! >_< Possibly, maybe. Boo!
Some rather obscure semi-splotches. Mostly located in the areas colored with neutral colored clay and bordering the purplish/pink bits.
The Dreaded Orange Spot of Death! >_< Possibly, maybe. Boo!
Some rather obscure semi-splotches. Mostly located in the areas colored with neutral colored clay and bordering the purplish/pink bits.