Hi everyone.
I have a question about the advantage of Hp vs Cp soaping.
I am almost familiar with the difference between HP and CP but I Would like to know does HP soaping has a big bold advantage over CP? like adding superfat after cook, essential oils or other botanical additives so the benefit of them can be preserved from harsh pH. (is that really true? can we add for example botanical extract after cooking soap and it saves its benefist for skin in high temperature and pH lets say around 9.7?)
I would appreciate if someone could clarify it for me.
Remember that soap is a wash-off product. You don't leave it on your skin to soak up the essential oil or botanical benefits. You wash, then you rinse. So how effective are the additives going to be with a quick once-over, or if the user is doing a 20-second wash, 20-second exposure?
Yes, you don't run the risk of certain additives accelerating trace when you add them after the cook. But it's not that easy to add them after the cook to a less fluid batter, so you either add more fluid to help with that, or you work really really hard to mix hot thick soap with your new ingredients. Not impossible, but hard on the hands, elbows and so forth.
I don't know how you are going to get such an accurate pH reading unless you plan on investing in rather expensive equipment. Strips are known to be rather a rough guide rather than an accurate measurement of pH.
As far as a 'bold advantage' over CP, I don't really think so. Not in my opinion. They take just as long, if not longer, to cure. It makes the house too hot in the summer (but it warms up the house in the winter.) It takes just as long to make the actual soap, sometimes longer, as making CP soap. One drawback that I see is that fine, intricate swirls are more difficult, and in some designs, not at all possible with HP over CP.
If saving money for fragrance is a goal, perhaps it is an advantage, but I haven't really seen any reports or studies that show the actual cost effectiveness to prove the point. Such a study would have to take into account the cost of power used to heat the HP soap as an off-set to the cost of FO savings over making CP soap using the same formula. It may save some money, but how much, I have no real clue.