Do/would you sell crackled soap?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2013
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Anyone who is familiar with my previous posts knows that I have long battled glycerin rivers and crackled soap. I'm am nearly batty with frustration, as I am having no luck trying to isolate the problem. As another member previously suggested, I am trying to just go with it and embrace the crackle (even though I secretly hate it and my heart sinks a little every time I cut into a loaf and see those evil little crackles smiling up at me!). I have tried swearing off TD, but darn it, sometimes I just need some white!

Here's my dilemma...I am gearing up for a craft fair, and I am wondering how many of you would still sell the crackled soap? I know it is only aesthetic, but I feel as though it is not my best product. But then again, maybe I just hate it so much because it is giving me such a difficult time.

I thought I would throw out the question and see what you all thought? :)
Forgot to post they are...

ImageUploadedBySoap Making1393730098.882824.jpg


Forthrightly and without embarrassment.

IF I had been soaping for a sufficient period of time that I was confident in my product and just couldn't quite get the asthetic I was going for. Not sure if that applies to you or not, just saying.

But those look sale-worthy to me.
Thanks, I guess I am regarding the crackle as a soaping "fail", which then makes me feel like is is somehow subpar. As far as my product goes, I am very confident in the soap itself...I am just stuck on this crackling issue!
I think those are beautiful bars and barring (<------ see what I did there? lol) an allergen in the formula I would purchase one or eight.
The average consumer has no idea that this is not the look you were going for. Even with the crackles (which I personally LIKE the look of) they are gorgeous soaps, and the crackling has nothing whatsoever to do with how well the soap accomplishes its task.

Those soaps are beautiful. And even ones with heavy crackling and glycerin rivers have a very unique look to them which reminds me of antiqued finishes and crackle paint, which gives it a hand-made and old-style look, which seems to me to fit in nicely with hand-made soaps. :)

And quite honestly, most of the beautiful soaps I have seen have something the creator of them did not like, but everyone else didn't even notice until it was pointed out. Spots, bubbles, crackles, ashing, color-morph, etc.

Don't worry so much. Soap does what it does, aesthetically, and you just have to go along with it. ;)
yes, i would sell them w/o a problem. it's just a minor aesthetic thing.
Absolutely I would sell them and have sold crackled soaps. Customers do not know what it is and think you did it on purpose. Did you change over to oil only td yet? I never get crackle with the oil only. LOL, just got some glycerin rivers in a banana coffee soap.
Thanks everyone...I feel much better about showing these off now. I will sell them proudly and without apology! :)

Did you change over to oil only td yet?.

I just got my oil only TD in yesterday and made a couple batches with it today. Tomorrow morning is the unveiling ;-)
I also have never had a problem with the oil only TD.

And Carolyn, one of the few times I got glycerin rivers (no TD) was in a coffee soap!
I feel you - crackle and partial gel rings in my soaps are a little disappointing. But I have seen lots of soaps for sale with these aesthetics and it doesn't detract from the quality of the soaps. Yours are beautiful anyway, you should be proud to sell those :-D
If you would tell me how you get those wonderful crackles I would attempt to make some, cause I really like the looks of those. Love the swirls you did want too. I am still working to try to make nice swirls. Seems that every time I get some with half-way decent swirls I screwed something else up and end up rebatching. So maybe I could perfect crackles and lay off the swirls for awhile. But together they really look like soap that I think would sell very well for you.
Kansas Farm Girl, thank you, and I would gladly send the Crackle Gremlins your way! I have had my fill of them! :)
I'm new to soap, and I wouldn't have known that there was a problem with any of those, and would totally have bought some!

Those rivers remind me of the veins in natural stone - like marble.

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