DIY Buffy brag

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Mar 25, 2024
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So, I've made a few aromatherapy type things at home since last year, and just wanted to brag about a couple of things.

Firstly, check out my DIY buffy bars! They're pretty small because I want to store them in my old Lush tins. I even lined them with sandwich bags so I could use them as moulds.

I didn't want to spend out on cocoa butter so the oil base is purely shea butter, and the exfoliant is entirely green lentils, which i've had sitting in the cupboard for ages and know I'm not going to cook in the foreseeable future. I actually used the recipe for Outback Mate for these - eucalyptus, lemongrass, and peppermint - and wasn't sure if that scent would work given that it's really fresh and invigorating but shea butter has that sultry smell, but it works just fine!

Outback Mate Buffy 1.jpg
Nice! Have you see this video for a Buffy Bar dupe, from someone who used to work at Lush? A lot of us here use it and like it, and have quite a discussion going in this thread.

I have some cocoa butter on hand, but when it runs out, I'm going to try kokum as a less expensive alternative. It provides similar hardness to cocoa butter, and isn't as greasy as using all shea butter.

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Nice! Have you see this video for a Buffy Bar dupe, from someone who used to work at Lush? A lot of us here use it and like it, and have quite a discussion going in this thread.

I have some cocoa butter on hand, but when it runs out, I'm going to try kokum as a less expensive alternative. It provides similar hardness to cocoa butter, and isn't as greasy as using all shea butter.

Ohhh, is shea butter greasy? Huh, I'll have to see how these bars work when I use one tomorrow morning. Also, no, I used a different recipe so thanks for pointing me towards the video! I'll check out the thread too!

I'll tell you what I do regret though - wiping up after making these things using my washing up sponge. It smells of Outback and I hope my dishes don't smell of it tomorrow. I'll have to see. From now on I'll be cleaning up using a dedicated sponge, methinks.
Yes, shea on its own can feel quite greasy. I do love it on my skin, but it's a whole 'nother thing to get it to stay on my skin, and not stain my clothes, grease my shower floor, or put blotches on my furniture.

The cocoa butter in the YT dupe recipe tones down the grease and ups the skin absorption, which is nice.

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