Well-Known Member
I have this weird batch of 50% lard, 30% CO, 15% canola and 5 % castor oil soap, that I'm pretty sure I messed up somehow in the making. Symptoms are: very oily to the touch, somewhat soft after 6 weeks cure time, and worst of all, is very drying to the skin. Ph strips put it at between 8 and 9, and phenolphthalein test of a little bit dissolved in 50/50 water/alcohol yields very (VERY) pink. Not even sure it's the PT that's making the pink, as there was red Brazilian clay and some red mica in it for colorant, but I don't think I'm dealing with lye heavy. I grated it up today, planning to rebatch it, but don't really know what to do to it, or add it to, to improve it. Should I cook it? Add it to a more conditioning soap recipe? Just use the grated soap in laundry?
Would love to hear some suggestions.
Would love to hear some suggestions.