I would happily donate a bar for the experiment!
I think it would be VERY interesting to see if method used to make the soap made any difference in the trajectory of alkalinity, if the recipe is the same. I think it would not but my experience is the opposite of yours, AM. None of my soaps zap, but some still tingle if I leave my tongue on it. The one I SB'ed almost entirely has the least tingles. To me it doesn't make sense that the method of stirring would affect the mildness of the soap in the end but actually testing that hypothesis could be revealing. I use Kirkland OO (non-organic), for the record.
When you mention a possible third method, DeeAnna, I think it would be a hybrid of the two, which I have done but varied a bit. I stir initially and then SB'ed very briefly after about 15-20minutes. I will then return to stirring every 10-15 minutes with occas SB bursts. I sometimes have SB'ed near the end to ensure trace. A method could be outlined for consistency, rather than basing it on frustration, as I have been doing. It might take longer, but it has consistently made the soap.
I actually want the slippery slide-y rubbery trace but have been unable to attain it recently, which is exceedingly frustrating. It's like I'm suddenly doing it right when I WANT to be doing it incorrectly. How ridiculous is that?
Soap Rat, Robert and I need to meet somewhere (preferably really fancy) to have an Andalusian Castile Soap Conference and Contest, which is tax-deductible, of course, and see whose method is the most frustrating. It would also be in the name of science, of course.