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Britany Davis

New Member
Aug 18, 2018
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Hey, I'm brand new to soap making. I'm really interested in it because I have a skin condition and I really haven't found anything that works well.

I have seborrheic dermatitis which means I have spots that get really dry but other places in which I break out because it's so oily. I was looking up various treatments like using primrose or vitamin c but after doing research I'm still not sure what try. Any suggestions?
I also have seborrheic dermatitis but its on my scalp. Since SD is caused by a fungus that eats oils, it important to keep the skin clean and oil free. Try using aloe gel on the flakey spots and a gentle cleanser on the oily skin.
I have to use a clarifying shampoo to keep my scalp extra clean and I can't let any oils or conditioner touch my scalp or I'll break out. I also have to use prescription antifungals.
I have it in my eyebrows and between them. Wish I had known oil wasnt good for them because ive tried every oil on it I could find. I started using a salt bar a little over a week ago to wash my face (I also have adult acne in other areas) and Ive had some improvement with both
Yeah, doctors aren't that good about explaining what can make it worse. I know the flakes seem like dry skin but its not actually from being dry. Try to keep it clean and don't scrub hard at the flakes.

I had a big improvment when I started using my own soap. The flakes and redness around my mouth cleared up.

I still get bad flakes in the whorles of my ears. Sometimes I put my medicated shampoo on them, really helps to clear it up but it can tske a few applications.

Did your dr not give you any medication? I have creams and a steroid lotion for the worse spots along with prescription shampoo.
Yeah, doctors aren't that good about explaining what can make it worse. I know the flakes seem like dry skin but its not actually from being dry. Try to keep it clean and don't scrub hard at the flakes.

I had a big improvment when I started using my own soap. The flakes and redness around my mouth cleared up.

I still get bad flakes in the whorles of my ears. Sometimes I put my medicated shampoo on them, really helps to clear it up but it can tske a few applications.

Did your dr not give you any medication? I have creams and a steroid lotion for the worse spots along with prescription shampoo.
I got the lotion too and while it seemed to control the irritation, it didnt heal it. The salt bars have brought it down to just a small red area in one brow and no flaky or patch. I did have a patch on each brow and a few smaller ones between them. I could go in and get my brows done without being embarrassed anyway. I hope it keep working

Shoot I should mention I dont rub the bar right on my face. I lather in my hands and rub it on with my fingers, wait 3 minutes then rinse.
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Salt bars helped me too. Hope you continue to improve, SD can be a real pain to deal with.
I'd normally suggest tea tree oil but I'm not sure it would be a good idea to use it that close to your eyes.
My family doctor suggested washing my face once a week with Selsun Blue and my sd has not returned. He had me do it once a day for the first week, and then do it once a week. Now I only do it when needed. Other than that, I've used my own soap for the last 20 years.
My family doctor suggested washing my face once a week with Selsun Blue and my sd has not returned. He had me do it once a day for the first week, and then do it once a week. Now I only do it when needed. Other than that, I've used my own soap for the last 20 years.
Are u still using it? And which brand of Selsun and what kind of your own soap u use? Interested;)

I got the lotion too and while it seemed to control the irritation, it didnt heal it. The salt bars have brought it down to just a small red area in one brow and no flaky or patch. I did have a patch on each brow and a few smaller ones between them. I could go in and get my brows done without being embarrassed anyway. I hope it keep working

Shoot I should mention I dont rub the bar right on my face. I lather in my hands and rub it on with my fingers, wait 3 minutes then rinse.
How are you doing now? Flakes 100% down to zero on your face with your soap? It has been a while. Would be nice to know as I am looking for myself too. Thanks

Yeah, doctors aren't that good about explaining what can make it worse. I know the flakes seem like dry skin but its not actually from being dry. Try to keep it clean and don't scrub hard at the flakes.

I had a big improvment when I started using my own soap. The flakes and redness around my mouth cleared up.

I still get bad flakes in the whorles of my ears. Sometimes I put my medicated shampoo on them, really helps to clear it up but it can tske a few applications.

Did your dr not give you any medication? I have creams and a steroid lotion for the worse spots along with prescription shampoo.
Hi there, so you had sebderm. Me too. I am looking to make a copy of the old formula of the Cor silver soap . Are your flakes 100% down to zero all time ? Good to know. Thank u

Hey, I'm brand new to soap making. I'm really interested in it because I have a skin condition and I really haven't found anything that works well.

I have seborrheic dermatitis which means I have spots that get really dry but other places in which I break out because it's so oily. I was looking up various treatments like using primrose or vitamin c but after doing research I'm still not sure what try. Any suggestions?
Did you find a solution?
Hi there, so you had sebderm. Me too. I am looking to make a copy of the old formula of the Cor silver soap . Are your flakes 100% down to zero all time ? Good to know. Thank u
For the most part, my flakes are down to zero. I do still get flakes around my ears at times and of course my scalp acts up if I use the wrong products.

Changing to handmade soap has really helped, especially salt soap. I've not tried silver in soap but cor sounds like snake oil
For the most part, my flakes are down to zero. I do still get flakes around my ears at times and of course my scalp acts up if I use the wrong products.

Changing to handmade soap has really helped, especially salt soap. I've not tried silver in soap but cor sounds like snake oil
Thanks! Great to hear. If I Amy ask. Could you tell what soap do you use for your face and hydration/moisturizer?

For your scalp u could use Head and shoulders clinical strength selenium with manuka honey. I don t like chemicals but this one is very good. No flakes anymore and only wash now 1 or 2 times

@martin van rossum, Britainy Davis hasn't been here in nearly 6 yrs, since the original post.
Yes that s a long time indeed. Thanks for informing.
Thanks! Great to hear. If I Amy ask. Could you tell what soap do you use for your face and hydration/moisturizer?

For your scalp u could use Head and shoulders clinical strength selenium with manuka honey. I don t like chemicals but this one is very good. No flakes anymore and only wash now 1 or 2 times
For years I just washed with my basic high lard soap but last year I switched to a Cetaphil cleanser.

I've used various over the counter shampoos. My favorite by far is T/Sal, I very rarely have flare ups any more.

I use loreal revitalift creams in the various forms. Recently started using a korean moisturizing sunscreen, so far I quite like it