We know very little about the recipe(s) you're using. So it is difficult to provide starting points for modification.
For now, I assume that your cream soap is similar to
@Lindy's that
@Zany_in_CO has linked above: Dual-lye HP soap (oleic/stearic/lauric FAs) with a generous excess of superfat (post-cook addition of stearic acid).
“Hardness” of an essentially LS recipe can come from several compounds that are present in the soap. Anions: stearate > palmitate > laurate > oleate > PUFA. Cations: FFA > sodium > potassium. So you could shift the recipe to a softer, less hardening-prone composition by going right in these rows; i. e. replace stearic acid by palmitic acid (e. g. replace shea butter by cocoa butter or palm oil), or allocating less lye to the NaOH side, in favour of more KOH.