Craft Fairs, Flea Markets, Summerfest...haggling?

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Vinca Leaf

Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2009
Reaction score
Wondering if you get folks trying to negotiate a better price, and if you deal? Do you have a "special deal" like the price is $x.xx, but if people buy 4, then they get 4/$x.xx?

How do you politely "cut it off" and say I'm not working for free, but without offending? I mean, it's not like we're selling Ivory Soap here, for 99 cents a bar!

Inquiring minds want to know!

Maybe a buy 3 or 4 & get 1 free but that is it.

"I am sorry, my prices are firm. I use only the very best ingredients. If I lowered my prices I would have to lower my quality and that not something I would like to do."

"Thank you for your interst in my items, I am already offering them at a very price though & I am afraid therer is no wiggle room."
If you live in the south haggling has always been done. Every vender expects this and they mark their prices up. The customer comes along, haggles the vender down, which makes him feel great and he got a bargain. The vendor only goes down as far as his intended price.

Here in the west I don't think it is done very much, least I haven't seen it.
I don't haggle at all - the price is the price is the price. I have specials every month and I also offer a deal on 3 soaps...... I had a guy try to haggle with me on Saturday when I was shutting it down and as much as I wanted that final sale to me it just wasn't worth it - so I stuck to my price and made the sale anyways....with a smile of course.... :p
I have lived in TX for 30 years. haggling is done, but IMHO, at garage sales, not for retail merchandise.
I'll give a discount if it's over a certain price but otherwise no.

Some people have asked if I'll discount but I tell them it's already discounted for the day compared to retail, it seems to satisfy them.

One old chap wanted .50c off a $10.50 sale. I said ok, he was buying 100% olive oil soap anyway and it's my cheapest soap.
I'm open to a limit.

I currently have a single bar price and a 'buy 4' price. If someone wanted to buy volume then I would definately consider a discount.

If they want a deal on a single bar or on my 4 bar price....I won't do that.
Thanks for your replies, everybody...:D

And it's true...I'm in NC and a particular venue I'm looking at is a haggle haven...but I'm not trying to sell my grannies vintage washtub, kwim?
I think haggling on handcrafted items is kinda rude! That's just me... ;)

A lot of time and effort goes into the things we make. I don't think I would lower my prices if someone tried to wheel n' deal me. I think I'll have a sale every once and awhile, and offer other specials to avoid hagglers!
No haggling for me , that is for buying cars etc.
I am with Ashley , I think it is terribly rude.

I will have a no dicker sticker on my soaps. :wink:

Kitn said:
I will have a no dicker sticker on my soaps. :wink:

I haven't had enough (any) coffee yet! I misread it the first few times :oops: Don't want to say what I thought it said...

if i may-you could also place a small sign somewhere behind you that you could point to when someone wants to haggle.

"these soaps are up to 40% off what you would pay in a retail store."

it really stops the nonsense. i've noticed that the farmer's markets and the crafts fairs have the least hagglers.
Re: x

heartsong said:
if i may-you could also place a small sign somewhere behind you that you could point to when someone wants to haggle.

"these soaps are up to 40% off what you would pay in a retail store."

it really stops the nonsense. i've noticed that the farmer's markets and the crafts fairs have the least hagglers.

What retail store would I be referring to? :D I mean, *I* know handmade is worth every penny. Perhaps I just don't try to convert anyone...the ivory soap users of the world will have to wait until a well-meaning-handmade-using-family member gives them some as a gift? And then people that already know the joys of handmade will just fall all over themselves and say "'s ....a....SOAP MAKAAAAAHHHHHRRRRRR!" and shop to their hearts content!

Maybe I just worry too much and should just go do it!
I have a few price breaks, most of my sales are 4/$16, some are 3/$13. Single bars are $5, but I don't sell very many singles. Never (in the whole 4 times I've been to the Market) had anyone try to haggle.

I do give out samples, little 3/4 oz bars with tiny little labels that look just like my regular bars. I've had several people come back and buy a bag of 4 or 5 soaps the week after I gave them a sample.
Not quite ready to sell yet but I've considered that point for when I start.

I think it is fine to say that aside from volume discounts the bars are already priced fairly for me to make a small profit and the customer to get a great value.

I also plan to donate a portion of each sale to a local animal shelter so if someone wants to haggle they will be taking money away from the furry friends.