CP sugar scrub

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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2013
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My first go at a sugar scrub. I'm always looking for ways to utilize soap scraps and these look great way.
Used a basic recipe found here (originally Mayren's)
200g shredded soap (some was fresh and some was older, all pastel colors )
100g Shea butter
Once melted added:
300g sugar
5g FO
1/8 tsp ruby rose mica

Kneed well with hands and pack into molds. These guys weigh 15grams.

I know they have been around for a while, but I've not tried them yet.
Anyone have any great packaging ideas? ImageUploadedBySoap Making1382050078.606860.jpg

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Oh, I love that idea!!! Those look great! Perfect shape for a SUGAR scrub - looks like a sugar cube. For packaging it depends on how much you want to spend. Either a little gift box or a cute bag. Lots of great ideas here: http://www.papermart.com/Home
Those would be great gifts! So pretty. I'm wondering how they feel? I've never use one!
Those are so cute! Did you use an ice cube tray to mold them? Now I'm tempted to shred some of my first batch of soap since the scent faded and try some of these.
That's very similar to my recipe, except I use olive oil instead of Shea. I press the mix into a pan and let it set, then cut it into squares once it's cool. I package the squares in an amber jar, and label etc. you could package in a big glass bail jar maybe? Or just a cello bag with a pretty ribbon for a less expensive option.
Jencat, I use the ice cube tray that came with my tiny fridge...the cubes about half the size of a normal cube. Just ordered some silicone trays from amazon that should be about the size of an actual sugar cube.

As for how they feel, I thought they would crumble or disolve quickly, but they don't. Light exfoliant, don't really lather, clean well and leave skin soft and lightly scented. I think you can get 2-3 full body uses out of each one.

Thanks all for the packaging ideas too!

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