Could you help me review Sud Central?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2008
Reaction score
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

I have been spending some of my late night TV time working on Sud Central (, which is meant to be a hub where soap makers can supply their information and where people who are looking for soap can also find what they are looking for.

I have finished the scripting for the database and search functions, and although some of the other information on the site needs to be added, would you guys mind reviewing the site and seeing if I have made any mistakes (spelling and other wise) and how user friendly it is?

I would really appreciate it! :)

Also, the database works now, so fell free to enter your business or soap information if you are interested! :)

Thanks! :)
In your front page explanation the word specialising in the top line is missing the 'a' :wink:

I really, really like it Kaseen! And I love the font you have used...sort of reminds me of soap bubbles :wink: :lol:

I will register once I have my website set up. Thank you so much for doing all this.

Tanya :)
Congrats on getting your site up!! :) I know that must have been tons of work.

I have just one suggestion and feel free to totally ignore it. I think the text might be easier on the eye if instead of centering everything, you justified it instead. Maybe not everywhere. but here and there.

Also love the bubbles!! :)

heyjude wrote:
I think the text might be easier on the eye if instead of centering everything,

I was thinking the same thing. Other than that it is looking good! Great job!

:shock: woweee!!! :shock:

it looks terriffic! gosh, that must have been a huge investment in time to make it look so nice!

can't hardly wait to see it open!

congradulations on a very nice job! i can only imagine how diligently you worked! :D
Thanks guys! :p

I changed the big text areas to be justified, and you guys are right, it looks much better! Thanks for that!

It was surprisingly easy to set up actually, just a few hours every night here and there. :wink: Just needs a bit more information to fill out the resource and other pages, and it'll be set.

Thanks! :)

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