My recipe on soapcalc shows conditioning only being 45 out of 69 where it has 44-69. What do you condition your hp regular bath bars at? I am superfatting at 5%. I tried upping the sf but it didn't change the numbers. Other than the conditioning, the numbers are all in the middle of 44-69 so I was wondering if I need to change my conditioning so it won't cause skin to be dry. I'm using lard 63%, coconut oil 25%, soy or olive oil (whichever I have enough of) 9%, coco butter 1%, and castor 2%. I tried changing it to 2% coco butter but that didn't up the conditioning. As a side note, I won't be using stearic acid anymore. It made my soap ugly from having specks all in it and didn't help my soap at all. I tried my best to keep it from re-solidifying but it didn't cooperate. I will just stick to the sodium lactate. I like it better. My soap that I used the stearic in turned out gummy or like modeling clay. Gross.