Been practicing with my pop micas, got a ways to go...but I'm having fun.
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Best Natural Soap said:Hazel- were those all ITP swirls?
Thanks, I ordered the black mica as my add on when I ordered my pop micas. But if you notice only touches of it here and there are black, most of it is really just various shades of gray. Still pretty though. This was also my 4th attempt (since ordering the micas) at itps so it was looking a little better than the first three.gekko62 said:C'mon,those swirls are pretty darn good! The black raspberry is really lovely. 8)
PopMica's are my favourite colours.Really intense when you want them to be but can acheive some beautiful pastel & muted tones too.Plus they're a breeze to work with.
What did you use for the black? I have a bleep of a time with black,yrs looks good...