Cleaning up colorants after making soap

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Jul 5, 2024
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How do yall clean up after making soap? The batter in the pots are easy as well as the lye pitcher. For me the colorants are a pain and don’t really get them completely clean. I use old medicine containers, I put a teaspoon or so of oil and the color or charcoal and use a milk frothier mix them before I add to my batter. But they are hard to clean out. I use various dioxides if that makes a difference. I have not tried micas yet. So how do you clean colorant containers and/or what do you use premix you colors in?
I use very small dessert cups, like the size that are used for crème brûlée, in which to disperse my colorants. Since they’re a little shallow and have a wide mouth, mixing with a frother can get messy so I often mix with the frother without turning it on. Works fine. Clean up is easy.
Awhile back, I found these shallow glass prep bowls at the Dollar Store. The top opening is about 3" wide, similar to what you see used on cooking shows when they have premeasured all the spices into little bowls. I greatly prefer these for mixing colorants and for weighing out small amounts of other ingredients, because they don't have any perpendicular seams that are the hardest to clean. The downside is what @Kari Howie shared - they are too shallow for using a frother.

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