If you use citric acid in the sense of its being a chelator and not a neutralizer, then add the extra lye needed for the citric acid to react with --
10 g citric acid neutralizes 6.24 g NaOH.
10 g citric acid neutralizes 8.42 g KOH.
See the link under my post for an article about using citrate and citric acid in soap. The info in the article is based largely on what people have shared here on SMF.
How much citric acid should I use? Typical dosage is 10 g to 30 g citric acid powder for every 1,000 g oils (1% to 3% ppo). Use more for hard water, less for soft.
It says:
While for example 3% of 1000g is indeed 30g, 3% ppo (Per Pound of Oil?) is 13.6 grams.
Which is it ?
Very good info in those articles, just a bit confused on that little tidbit.
Well this is embarassing. No idea what the heck I was thinking, lol. Now that I see it, my question basically: "What is heavier, a pound of feathers or a pound of bricks?"...
Thanks for the reply, and sorry about the confusion. For some reason I was expecting a linear relation between 30g of used CA and completely unrelated measuring units to happen.
Made 3 batches simultaneously, one 3% SF, one 0% SF and one 3% SF with 3% POW CA (as a chelating agent).
The CA batch had a noticably delayed time to paste, compared to the other two. I'm thinking the CA hogs the hydroxide for a while, especially with the subpar mixing I was able to achieve*, leaving the oils sad and lonely for a while - resulting in longer time needed.
*Paste prep inside quart jars, inside 23QT pot. The only way I could think of, to do 3 different batches at the same time. Mixing is predictably harder.