Chocolate Soap???

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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2010
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How much powdered cocoa or baking chocolate would you use in chocolate soap?

I want to make some unscented soap with a hint of chocolate scent! Maybe more scent would remain if I used both cocoa powder and dark baking chocolate, and didn't let it gel???

End result will be nice brown no scent.Scent doesn't survive saponification. I use cocoa powder for color sometimes so I know this one. For my double chocolate soap I used powder for swirl and FO for scent HTH.
I just made a chocolate bar... I don't know how much cocoa powder I used but it was more than one tablespoon per pound of oil. The scent did indeed make it through and the bar is dark. If you want, I will post pics.

I just kept adding cocoa powder until it was as dark as I wanted it. A sprinkle at a time. A friend visited yesterday and I handed it to her to smell and now she wants some, she loved the smell. It does have a strong chocolate smell, not sweet or anything, just smells like cocoa powder.

I did not add any fragrance at all, just oils, cocoa powder, goats' milk, and lye.
I use between 1/8 to 1/4 oz baking chocolate per pound of fat. Too much chocolate will make the soap icky.

Hope this helps!
I used baker's chocolate a while back. I added 3 oz of white chocolate and 2 oz of unsweetened dark chocolate ppo. The scent carried through completely. The soap smells like cake. This was hp so I don't know if the scent would carry through in cp.

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