Cheap EO price, cheap EO quality

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Mar 20, 2013
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Hi, I have been a "member" here for a couple of years but rarely drop by or comment.
I bought some EOs recently, inexpensive enough, pretty packaging fooled me, I guess. I bought sandalwood, patchouli, and bergamot.
The bergamot smells fine. The other two smell like they had petroleum added! As I did some research on EOs I read that sandalwood oils can change over time, or that there are several different types of sandalwood so there will be variations on the smell.
Pretty sure I will not use the sandalwood and patchouli for anything. There might be some hope for the bergamot.
Where did you get them? Patchouli is on the upper end of my budget, but it has been relatively consistent for me across vendors, and it goes a long way. I've never bought sandalwood; it's way too rich for my blood.

I got lucky once and bought a no-name brand lavender EO from a non-traditional source (maybe through Etsy?). It was the best I've ever smelled, and it worked wonderfully in soap. But I never found it again. Boo hoo!