Celebrating Shredder's Life

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May 7, 2015
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Chatta-Vegas, TN
On Tuesday, I had to take Shredder to the vet to have her euthanized. It has been a very difficult week for me. To help me with my grieving process, I posted a tribute to her on my Facebook page. You've seen me post about my babies and how much they mean to me, so I thought I'd share the joy that was a little ball of fluff called Shredder. She truly lived up to her name. I will miss her terribly, but she is no longer suffering.


(Not sure if the link will work. Hope so. There are some adorable photos of her.)
Aw, I'm so sorry Teresa. The link worked, so I got to see pictures. She was such a cute fur baby. She was lucky to have you for a mom, to let her be the shredder she wanted to be.
Thanks everyone. When I got her, she fit into my cupped hands and had a pink nose. She was terrified of everything. It took her a long time to figure out that paper wasn't going to kill her. She really blossomed into an amazing dog. It's funny, she went from timid to terror. She was extremely territorial and I was her favorite territory. I've got two American Staffordshire Terrier mixes that are twice her size and both were terrified of her. She was a horrible little bully in a cute suit. Of the four dogs, she was the one I was always worried about around people and other dogs. But if I wasn't around, she was sweet as can be and everyone loved her. (Kind of like human children, who tend to act like angels for everyone but their own parents.) Monday Max caught a bird and was feasting under the shed. She stole it from him and tried to bring it in the house to eat it. Max is 58 pounds of solid muscle and teeth (which is why I let him keep the bird). She was a sickly little arthritic 24 pounder. She won every single showdown. I'm really going to miss the little monster! :angel:
So sorry for your loss. It sounds like little Shredder lived a long and happy life.
Theresa, I feel your pain all to well. You did right by her in the end though. That's all that matters. Our pain will heal, you already cured hers. Hugs to you, and I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.
Theresa, I feel your pain all to well. You did right by her in the end though. That's all that matters. Our pain will heal, you already cured hers. Hugs to you, and I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.

Actually, I really need to thank you and your family. I read your thread "Rainbow Bridge." Your story, especially your daughter's words, really touched my heart. Shredder was not doing well and I was just prolonging her agony because I was too selfish to do what needed to be done. I had already chickened out twice before. I had a cat that was about 20 years old whose depth perception was so screwed up she fell more than she was successful at climbing on things, but I couldn't take her to the vet. So I picked her up and carried her where ever she needed to go. Then, one day I really watched her trying to jump from the back of the sofa to the chair. She must have calculated for 2 or 3 minutes to make that jump, and failed. It was time. I swore I'd never do that to another animal again, and there I was doing it to Shredder. If I had not read about your Shawnee Rose, I wouldn't have had the courage to do the right thing by Shredder. So, thank you for sharing your story.
We love our animals so much that when we lose them, it leaves such a big hole behind. Until another one comes along to fill it. I think the ones we lost send them to us, because they know how much we miss them. My heart goes out to you. You gave Shredder a good life, and you didn't let her suffer at the end. I firmly believe we'll see our pets again one day, although I know not everyone agrees. A little humor here, a church sign war, debating the fate of dogs... http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/chat/2228641/posts I agree with the Catholics on this one! Take care, Teresa.
Actually, I really need to thank you and your family. I read your thread "Rainbow Bridge." Your story, especially your daughter's words, really touched my heart. Shredder was not doing well and I was just prolonging her agony because I was too selfish to do what needed to be done. I had already chickened out twice before. I had a cat that was about 20 years old whose depth perception was so screwed up she fell more than she was successful at climbing on things, but I couldn't take her to the vet. So I picked her up and carried her where ever she needed to go. Then, one day I really watched her trying to jump from the back of the sofa to the chair. She must have calculated for 2 or 3 minutes to make that jump, and failed. It was time. I swore I'd never do that to another animal again, and there I was doing it to Shredder. If I had not read about your Shawnee Rose, I wouldn't have had the courage to do the right thing by Shredder. So, thank you for sharing your story.

Sweetie, you brought me to tears. I'm so glad my baby girl could help you decide. Our fur babies are so precious to us, it's hard to let go. But sometimes we get caught up in our own pain and forget about theirs. That's human nature. It's so hard to look beyond ourselves and see things from another's perspective. Especially when that other is an animal. Hugs to you. You did the best thing a fur momma could do!
I'm so sorry for your lose. The right thing is never easy. You did right by your fur baby.
Oh, so sad to hear this! Dogs are really making life more fun and upredictable, and are so soft and cuddly.

I still miss my dog, Lady, and it is 9 years since we had to let her go. She was a Tibetan Spaniel, with the biggest personality ever!

Hope you all feel better soon.

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