castor oil

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Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010
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I made a soap today using soap calc to try and get good properties, but did I add too much castor oil? It looked like quite a bit when I measured it! I read somewhere you only need a bit of castor..

here's the recipe..
olive oil 4 oz (26.67%)
palm oil 3.5 oz (23.33%)
coconut oil 3.5 oz (23.33%)
almond oil 2 oz (13.33%)
castor oil 1 oz (6.67%)
cocoa butter1 oz (6.67%)

does it look ok? Ta.
6.67% should be just fine, I use 7-9% in all of my soaps and have never had a problem. That said, I've heard people say that their soap was sticky if they used a really high percent of castor, but most of those posts have been about using it at rates like 15-20%.

I love love love castor, and that looks like it should be some really nice soap. Let us know how it turns out!