Cannabis infused soap

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I agree. It helped my father-in-law, husband and my aunt when they had cancer and it helped me when a few years ago when I had back issues.
I agree. It helped my father-in-law, husband and my aunt when they had cancer and it helped me when a few years ago when I had back issues.

I use it for depression or when life is to tough to handle out right, like my dogs that I euthanized in Oct/Nov 2017. But the Mexican government doesn't want it legalized, it makes a ton of money for Mexico. the so call, "War on Drugs", is a joke, so much money spent in Mexico, supposedly to help with the drug trafficking, only problem.......Mexico lets barges dock that carry the Cut to make opioids...heroin.:evil:
I did not say they were busted for selling soap.

No, you did not, nor did I think you did. I was responding to this post:

I couldn't imagine a shop that sells pot, pipes and cannabis foods would get busted for soap.

The feds came in a busted several medical pot houses in our area which lead to the cities disallowing them. All were shut down. We had a vendor friend who has a son that was prosecuted and sent to jail for 5 yrs when they shut down his medical supply shop. He had all the state and city required permits, but was caught up in the beginning of the busts. Feds do not play nice and it just is not legal until they legalize it. I was just warning anyone wanting to wholesale products to a bud shop think twice.

I couldn't agree more. Having lived in California most of my life and now in Illinois where medical marijuana is legal as well, and with my own background, I am well aware of the incongruities of federal vs. state laws in this and other situations.

Interestingly enough, if one works for the federal government as my husband does, and works in a state with more lenient laws, it's still the federal laws that prescribe their conduct. They just don't have a choice in the matter.
Well, I know this thread is pretty old, however I just wanted to point the fact that while making the cannabis infused soap, there is only used a really small quantity of cannabis. So, you cannot say that is it a great waste of cannabis, and in fact, it is really great. Surely, the balm or lotions are kind of a better product from many points of view, however you should not underestimate the cannabis soap. My dad has tried to make his own cannabis soap, so he ordered some weed online , as the pandemic did not allow us to visit the stores. Yeah, the smell is unusual, however it is really really nice.
It may be nice soap, but the reality is, you are only keeping it on your skin for a few seconds and washing it down the drain. The soap I made was very strong and I would still stand by the fact it really did nothing. The only thing I got out of making the balms and soaps was money and a big big high, which I hated, when making the butter. BTW I was never a user of marijuana in any form.
It will do nothing for the soap, but it will retain some of the cannabis scent. If you are going to make some either make cannabis butter or heavily infuse the oil. I would recommend just using shake and not the better stuff. I would question Budsuds being the first to make it. I made it before 2014 for a shop where it sold well. As I have mentioned before, there is not much I have not made when it comes to soap. Bathing with it just does not do anything. Using it in a balm it can be beneficial to some especially if it is made with menthol, peppermint et
It will do nothing for the soap, but it will retain some of the cannabis scent. If you are going to make some either make cannabis butter or heavily infuse the oil. I would recommend just using shake and not the better stuff. I would question Budsuds being the first to make it. I made it before 2014 for a shop where it sold well. As I have mentioned before, there is not much I have not made when it comes to soap. Bathing with it just does not do anything. Using it in a balm it can be beneficial to some especially if it is made with menthol, peppermint etc
Came here looking for that soap recipe!! I'm in a legal state and reeeeeeeally wanted to make a batch of cannabis infused soap for the holidays, as gifts! Thanks for the salve and lip balm ideas! I'm a tot noob, made HP soap once or twice long time ago. I have cannabis oil, it's infused in alcohol, that's later evaporated, so it pretty thick. How can I account for it on a soap calculator? I will definitely try to make a arnica salve as well, thank you all, soap wizards!!
@Seahorsesforever said: Came here looking for that soap recipe!! I'm in a legal state and reeeeeeeally wanted to make a batch of cannabis infused soap for the holidays, as gifts! Thanks for the salve and lip balm ideas! I'm a tot noob, made HP soap once or twice long time ago. I have cannabis oil, it's infused in alcohol, that's later evaporated, so it pretty thick. How can I account for it on a soap calculator? I will definitely try to make a arnica salve as well, thank you all, soap wizards!!

I would be careful using that oil if alcohol was used in its preparation. Alcohol can overheat your soap very quickly. So just keep an eye on it.
I don't think you need to include it in a soap calculator, depending on how much you intend to use? If it's going to be about 2 or 3% of your recipe I would probably just use a very low superfat (1-2 %) for your usual soap recipe and add it as an 'extra'.
@Seahorsesforever said: Came here looking for that soap recipe!! I'm in a legal state and reeeeeeeally wanted to make a batch of cannabis infused soap for the holidays, as gifts! Thanks for the salve and lip balm ideas! I'm a tot noob, made HP soap once or twice long time ago. I have cannabis oil, it's infused in alcohol, that's later evaporated, so it pretty thick. How can I account for it on a soap calculator? I will definitely try to make a arnica salve as well, thank you all, soap wizards!!

I would be careful using that oil if alcohol was used in its preparation. Alcohol can overheat your soap very quickly. So just keep an eye on it.
I don't think you need to include it in a soap calculator, depending on how much you intend to use? If it's going to be about 2 or 3% of your recipe I would probably just use a very low superfat (1-2 %) for your usual soap recipe and add it as an 'extra'.
Thank you, @KiwiMoose !! So not more then 3%, ok. Thing is, there is zero alcohol in the cannabis oil, it's thick rike Burch tar. I have a few days to put some recipes together, I wonder if I'm being overly ambitious here. So don't include in a calculator and add when soap traces? I'm definitely looking into making some type of salve with emu oil and full spectrum thc concentrate
Thank you, @KiwiMoose !! So not more then 3%, ok. Thing is, there is zero alcohol in the cannabis oil, it's thick rike Burch tar. I have a few days to put some recipes together, I wonder if I'm being overly ambitious here. So don't include in a calculator and add when soap traces? I'm definitely looking into making some type of salve with emu oil and full spectrum thc concentrate
I would certainly wait for someone else to comment. I am really just guessing at how to use it. I like the idea of adding it at trace to avoid any problems. What creates the oil itself? Is it naturally occurring from the cannibis?
Thank you, @KiwiMoose !! So not more then 3%, ok. Thing is, there is zero alcohol in the cannabis oil, it's thick rike Burch tar. I have a few days to put some recipes together, I wonder if I'm being overly ambitious here. So don't include in a calculator and add when soap traces? I'm definitely looking into making some type of salve with emu oil and full spectrum thc concentrate

I'm aware that this post is a few months old but responding anyways as it may help someone else. For the love of god, refrain from giving out cannabis salve or cream recipes on a forum like this. Please, use some common sense!

What you have is NOT an oil, it is a resin...that's the reason it's so thick - 'like birch tar' - as you said. There are different types of cannabis resins as well...something to keep in mind.

You don't need to worry about alcohol in that because it has completely evaporated off.

No, you would *not* ad it to any soap calculator as it is *nothing* like hemp oil. Treat it as an additive.

Regardless of what type of cannabis resin it is, you'd be much better off saving it for salves or creams. Use hemp seed oil for your soap instead. I have seen some absolutely stupid products even in 'medical dispensaries', such as bath bombs with cannabis 😂
From @Seahorsesforever: Came here looking for that soap recipe!! I'm in a legal state and reeeeeeeally wanted to make a batch of cannabis infused soap for the holidays, as gifts! Thanks for the salve and lip balm ideas! I'm a tot noob, made HP soap once or twice long time ago. I have cannabis oil, it's infused in alcohol, that's later evaporated, so it pretty thick. How can I account for it on a soap calculator? I will definitely try to make a arnica salve as well, thank you all, soap wizards!!

If you want to make cannabis infused soap and balms for private use, you are of course welcomed to do so. If you want to make cannabis infused soap and balms for public sale, you can except a visit from several federal agencies.

However, if you are looking to make products out of CBD oils from Hemp, then you have the Farm Bill, but depending on the route you take, you could still find yourself being visit by a couple of federal agencies.

I come from a state that has recreational and medical marijuana and looked into making products from CBD oils from Hemp and frankly, it's not worth it for a number of reasons:

The first is that soap is a wash on/rinse off product that is maybe on your skin for five to ten minutes...unless someone is like my daughter who takes 20-30 minute showers which is why she pays the electric and water bills.

Second is the amount of CBD oil that you would have to use to make it past the saponification process to leave whatever amount that you claim is in the soap to keep you from being sued for false advertising. A few years back when everyone and their dog was make "CBD-Infused Soap", one of our local news stations went out and bought a dozen bars from various products and sent them to a lab to be did not go well from the companies. Most of the soaps had little to no amounts of CBD. The ones that did, did not meet the advertised claims.

Third is that when it comes to balms and salves your products will need to be tested by the FDA for any drug claims and safety, you'll need to be licensed and then your manufacturing processes and facilities will need to be inspected to make sure that they meet all applicable federal guidelines. And you'll also to check with your state, country and city for what their guidelines.
I'm aware that this post is a few months old but responding anyways as it may help someone else. For the love of god, refrain from giving out cannabis salve or cream recipes on a forum like this. Please, use some common sense!

What you have is NOT an oil, it is a resin...that's the reason it's so thick - 'like birch tar' - as you said. There are different types of cannabis resins as well...something to keep in mind.

You don't need to worry about alcohol in that because it has completely evaporated off.

No, you would *not* ad it to any soap calculator as it is *nothing* like hemp oil. Treat it as an additive.

Regardless of what type of cannabis resin it is, you'd be much better off saving it for salves or creams. Use hemp seed oil for your soap instead. I have seen some absolutely stupid products even in 'medical dispensaries', such as bath bombs with cannabis 😂
With all due respect, The list of healing properties of THC/CBD are only growing. Please explain why those who can legally benefit from clearly NON-recreational applications should be prevented from sharing? Please explain the "common sense" I'm new to the forum.

Thank you
With all due respect, The list of healing properties of THC/CBD are only growing. Please explain why those who can legally benefit from clearly NON-recreational applications should be prevented from sharing? Please explain the "common sense" I'm new to the forum.

Thank you
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