Organic and organic certified soap are two different things. For the former, just buy organic supplies; the latter is, on top of this, a bureaucratic act, and depends heavily on the jurisdiction that you aim as your target market.
Where are you located? Somerset in the UK? Somerset, New Jersey? Another Somerset? It matters because to be certified organic would be based on your locale.
And just out of curiosity, are you just curious or do you want to sell soap as certified organic soap?
@earlene is absolutely right, where you are located makes a great difference.
I have personally given up on trying to label anything I make "organic" and I didn't even want to get started with trying for "certified organic". What I do now is just try to make the safest product that I can and be honest with the consumer.
However, no matter what I do, I will never be able to satisfy everyone 100% but being helpful in explaining why I choose certain ingredients helps the buyer who has reservations about ingredients that I use. They usually say, "wow, I didn't know that" and proceed to buy it. Not every time mind you but at least 95% of the time it works.