Can I use Vitamin E To Extend my Oils, or should I use something else

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Dec 26, 2021
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I ask this question about being able to use Vitamin E as an extender of my oils because I do NOT Like the smell of Rosemary oil in ALL My oils. Some oils I want to keep the integrity of the natural scent of the oil without giving ALL My oils the scent of Rosemary. I love Rosemary oil, but I also like Donuts, and I do not want my Donuts tasting like or smelling like Rosemary. Get my point? So I was wondering if Vit. E could be used to extend the life of my oils...I have lots of it. Thanks, I appreciate all the help as I am new to soap making. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Are you using rosemary essential oil? If so, that is the wrong product. You want rosemary oleoresin (ROE). It doesn't smell at all like rosemary EO, and the amount used is so small that there is no detectable smell in my oils at all.

To answer your question, yes, you can use mixed tocopherols (Vitamin E) but it is not as effective as ROE.
OH WOW!!! You just Saved me from making a HUGE Mistake!!! Yes, I started adding rosemary essential oil to 2 of my oils and did NOT want everything else I had to smell like rosemarry. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I do NOT Have any rosemary oleoresin (ROE) and I will buy some now SOON. Where is the BEST Place for me to buy some at please. I am just getting started with ALL Things bath and body and could use the help. I do not want to break the bank. I already spent over a hundred on oils and this NEW Hobby is getting I am willing to buy what is needed though to get this right. THANK YOU!!
So glad you asked the question! @DeeAnna's page will give you all the technical info you need to know about how to use it. It is a VERY small percentage - be careful with the decimal points!

As far as suppliers, I've bought some from WSP and from (now owned by WSP). You can definitely shop around the usual soap suppliers to see who has it for the most reasonable price + shipping.
Besides the supplier AliOop mentioned, Lotioncrafter, Camden Grey and Eden botanicals. Although I have to disagree on the scent. Every one I bought had a very strong odor, and it did transfer over even to the soap…affecting how some final scents. I stopped using it. So be sure to start with the lowest recommended amount. (It only takes a tiny amount in the first place)
OH WOW!!! You just Saved me from making a HUGE Mistake!!! Yes, I started adding rosemary essential oil to 2 of my oils and did NOT want everything else I had to smell like rosemarry. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! I do NOT Have any rosemary oleoresin (ROE) and I will buy some now SOON. Where is the BEST Place for me to buy some at please. I am just getting started with ALL Things bath and body and could use the help. I do not want to break the bank. I already spent over a hundred on oils and this NEW Hobby is getting I am willing to buy what is needed though to get this right. THANK YOU!!
Wholesale Supplies Plus 😊
An additional option to extend the life of your oils is refrigeration. I even freeze some oils I buy in bulk, like coconut. Granted you do need to have room in your refrigerator(s) for that. Luckily I have 2 refrigerators and one mostly stores my oils and essential oils. Every time I open that refrigerator a wonderful scent wafts out.
Here are my thoughts on the use of tocopherols (Vit E) for protecting fats against oxidation and why ROE is a better choice -- Tocopherols | Soapy Stuff

And also see Rosemary oleoresin (ROE) | Soapy Stuff for suppliers and other facts about ROE.
Thank you for your help. I will look into those links for additional help :)

An additional option to extend the life of your oils is refrigeration. I even freeze some oils I buy in bulk, like coconut. Granted you do need to have room in your refrigerator(s) for that. Luckily I have 2 refrigerators and one mostly stores my oils and essential oils. Every time I open that refrigerator a wonderful scent wafts out.
Thanks, Tonight I had found on the label of some shea butter where it DID Say to place in the Refrigerator where others say keep at room temperature. I appreciate you help

Wholesale Supplies Plus 😊
Thanks for the idea, I will look em up!! ( edited to say that I could not find them. When I placed your words into the search bar on Google, I just got LOTS of links to many places in general. Did I do this wrong? )

An additional option to extend the life of your oils is refrigeration. I even freeze some oils I buy in bulk, like coconut. Granted you do need to have room in your refrigerator(s) for that. Luckily I have 2 refrigerators and one mostly stores my oils and essential oils. Every time I open that refrigerator a wonderful scent wafts out.
Thanks so much for your help

Besides the supplier AliOop mentioned, Lotioncrafter, Camden Grey and Eden botanicals. Although I have to disagree on the scent. Every one I bought had a very strong odor, and it did transfer over even to the soap…affecting how some final scents. I stopped using it. So be sure to start with the lowest recommended amount. (It only takes a tiny amount in the first place)
Thanks as I will totally keep your statement in mind when protecting my oils

So glad you asked the question! @DeeAnna's page will give you all the technical info you need to know about how to use it. It is a VERY small percentage - be careful with the decimal points!

As far as suppliers, I've bought some from WSP and from (now owned by WSP). You can definitely shop around the usual soap suppliers to see who has it for the most reasonable price + shipping.
What is WSP Please? What does it stand for and do you have an actual link? Thanks :)