Please, go to my website and poke around. Put stuff in your cart. Look for spelling errors, and report back?
I'll love you FOREVER! TY!
I'll love you FOREVER! TY!
Am I correct in assuming that the coffee bar is the only soap you have for sale now? And you have no perfumes in stock (yet)?
The tinctures look interesting but I do not know anything about tinctures or how they should be used. Is it possible to put information like that online? Or would you run afoul of the FDA if you did so?
This is strictly a personal pet peeve, so take this as my issue, please.
I do not like sites that make me hunt through several tabs before I see products. If I click something that says "soap", I want to see soap. Not read about how it was made or other info. If I want to read all the other stuff, I click "about".
Other than that, it looks fine. All the additions to the cart worked, I did not spot any spelling errors (although I did not do a thorough check).
Please, go to my website and poke around. Put stuff in your cart. Look for spelling errors, and report back?
I'll love you FOREVER! TY!
Am I correct in assuming that the coffee bar is the only soap you have for sale now? And you have no perfumes in stock (yet)?
The tinctures look interesting but I do not know anything about tinctures or how they should be used. Is it possible to put information like that online? Or would you run afoul of the FDA if you did so?
She'd probably have to word things very carefully. Tinctures are very potent herbal remedies if memory serves me right.
OP, so far the site looks good. Good luck.
This is strictly a personal pet peeve, so take this as my issue, please.
I do not like sites that make me hunt through several tabs before I see products. If I click something that says "soap", I want to see soap. Not read about how it was made or other info. If I want to read all the other stuff, I click "about".
Other than that, it looks fine. All the additions to the cart worked, I did not spot any spelling errors (although I did not do a thorough check).
On your perfume and cologne page, I noticed a couple of typos. In the first paragraph, second line... absolutes is missing an s. In the second paragraph, petrochemicals has an extra r. Those are the only glaring things I noticed.
Very pretty site, by the way.
I like the website. It is attractive and easy to navigate. One thing I would suggest at a quick glance is to replace the + signs with the word 'and'. I think it is fine to leave it as is on the product page (as product name). Also this is just a big pet peeve of mine so the general public might not even notice. The other change I would recommend is either adding a few bottles to the picture of the soaps in the bathing beauty photo, or creating separate photos. I, of course, clicked on the soaps first and was surprised to see product in bottles instead. Your soaps are lovely BTW. And the cart seemed to work.
I am by no means an expert, but I have done a lot of proof reading and would be happy to help if I can. I did notice some things that I would change, but this post is probably long enough. PM me with your email if you want more help from me.
Ditto everything Susie said. I thought it was a nice looking site but I felt like it was supposed to be, first and foremost, a store. So when I clicked on "soap" I wanted to see the soap you had for sale.
I really hate all the plus signs and the minus signs on page one. Not sure what the pink thing above sitting on the top of the paper on the Perfume and cologne page. Sorry but to me it looks like a dead pink turkey, I am sure it has a meaning but it is not to pretty
First of all, I love the look of your website, the colors the graphics, I'm definitely drawn to the overall look. If I ran across your site by accident, I'd definitely be taking a further look. The photographs of your products are also very nice. I found it easy enough to navigate, although I thought the "shop" tab should maybe take me to categories to choose from, instead of a page with lots of mixed items.
As for typos and others...On the perfume page, "mayamde's perfume + cologne" (missing an "a")
"No petrochemicals, no fragrance oils, just plants, flowers + magic". Maybe it's just me, but the "magic" bugs me. Seems kind of hokey. I'd prefer something like "years of studying aromatherapy."
On the soap page, at the bottom of the paragraph mayamade is again missing an "a"..."mayamde". On the contact page under "privacy policy" the date "March 12h" should have a "t" in there. "mayamde will retain only the information" (missing that "a" again). I have to admit the plus sign used in place of the word "and" every time, gets to me, too. And I know what Carolyn means by that "dead pink turkey"...I kept asking myself, "What the heck is that thing???" But overall, a very attractive website.
P.S. Found a couple more typos... These products are not intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease or aliment. (ailment) Consult your health care practitioner before starting any health care regiment. (regimen)
I looked at your soap listing on Etsy and I have to say I like the bullet-point listing style better. Also I would rename the "Soap" tab "About Us". Calling it soap makes me think it is where I go to see your listings. Perhaps just my personal preference but it is my two cents.
where is the link to website???????? found it and hate the way you need to click so many times to find something
I really hate all the plus signs and the minus signs on page one. Not sure what the pink thing above sitting on the top of the paper on the Perfume and cologne page. Sorry but to me it looks like a dead pink turkey, I am sure it has a meaning but it is not to pretty
LOL, I will buy the animal skull, but Pink..... I might have thought of that if she lived in Arizona, or some other desert. Still looks like a dead turkeyIt's an animal skull, my guess is deer. I think it's a reference to the desert, which she mentions on one of her pages. But she is in Minneapolis, so kind of weird.
Maya, it really looks like you spent more time picking out pretty clip art and taking pretty pictures than actually thinking about the function of your page. Form should follow function.