Camel hump fat

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Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2023
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I have camel hump fat, and I would like to make soap from it, but I did not find it in the soap calculators šŸ¤”
Is there a way to calculate the amount of sodium hydroxide it takes to saponify?
I've never even seen anyone talk about that before. Or seen it. I'm not even sure what to say. That's a thing? The only time I've ever seen a camel is at a fair. You know the traveling ones with rides and stuff. Maybe try asking a company you buy the sodium hydroxide from?

That is so never a question I've even considered.
I've never even seen anyone talk about that before. Or seen it. I'm not even sure what to say. That's a thing? The only time I've ever seen a camel is at a fair. You know the traveling ones with rides and stuff. Maybe try asking a company you buy the sodium hydroxide from?

That is so never a question I've even considered.
You're right, I couldn't find any information about it .It is like tallow or lard fat, which is commonly used in soap making.I also asked there and did not find an answer!
Did you try searching the forum? I feel like this was discussed once upon a time.
Thank you for alerting me, I assumed you would not find a topic to talk about, but I did šŸ˜
Because I did not come across any topics covering it, nor does it exist in soap calculatorsI wanted to make a soap inspired by my environment, where camel hump fat and milk are abundant and have wonderful benefits for the skin .
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Because I did not come across any topics covering it, .. .

This thread says to use carrot seed oil in the soap calculator.
Thread 'Camel hump fat'

Here's some other interesting threads:

Thread 'Camel Fat'

Thread 'Hump fat soap - 1st test'

Thank you, @Servant4Christ

I was starting to think I had hallucinated the whole thing.
saponification value, 202.3 mg KOH/g oil This is the saponification value and is similar to beef tallow
I am very excited to make camel hump soap and I will keep it simple without camel milk so that I can tell the difference..and I will definitely share the experience with you
Thank you very much guys, I'm so gratefulšŸ¤šŸ»
@ScentimentallyYours - here's an idea for your next descent into the rabbit hold; buffalo fat. I bought a bar made from 100% buffalo tallow and I think it's the single most perfect single oil for soap. (I'm not a fan of high olive oil soap).

I haven't seen a fatty acid profile on it, but I suspect it's high in oleic because it can take longer to dry between uses and get soft, but not to the extent of a high olive oil soap (and I haven't detected any slime). So in a recipe I might experiment with adding 20% palm or butters to it, and maybe 5 to 10% coconut oil.

Shoot. Now I've got to scratch that itch myself....I'm off to google a source for buffalo fat!