By weight or by volume?

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Nov 26, 2017
Reaction score
Hi, when I’m reading recipes and it calls for example 1 oz of essential oil. Is that 1oz by volume or 1oz weight?
Ounces stated as just "ounces" is a measurement by weight; ounces by volume are correctly called out as "fluid ounces." I know sometimes people don't write things out properly -- to mean ounces by volume, they just state "ounces" when they should be writing "fluid ounces". In that case you need to consider the context or ask the recipe author. If the recipe is measuring by cups and tablespoons and then suddenly calls for an ingredient in "ounces", you'd have to ask the recipe writer if she/he meant ounces by volume or by weight. If the recipe is written using pounds and ounces, then I'd say the context is pretty clear that EOs measured in ounces will be ounces by weight.

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