By request for Artisansoaps

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Here ya go , larger pics , cappucino brulee


and the apricot mango


Kitn nice..I love the ripple effect they have..And,I adore your garden in the background..I love gardens..ALMOST as much as I love pics of
thank you so much .Lately I am not sure which I love more gardening or making soap :shock: .We have such a short summer I have 8 months to make soap :wink: .
Wow make beautiful soap AND you have a flower garden! :) ......what colour is :)

I'm always impressed with the partialgel effect-yours looks wild!Is that whipped soap topping the cappucino brulee?
Time for one more?? What are the shrubs in the background of pic 1? intruiged by the flowers/seedheads....
LOL gekko , I don't know what the plant is in the background .We just moved here 2 months ago , dug up all the plants and put them where we could to make room for the garage. It is just starting to flower , so I need to get my Louis Hole perennial book and play name that plant .I have gardened for many years and some of them here have me stumped until the flowers appear.I will pm you when I figure it out .

The top of the soap is just some soap taken out of the batch before the fo was added , I knew it would go brown . I swirled the top with my ( top secret never before heard of ( except LJA :wink:) pick comb) . It is a 4 pick thing with wide spaces in between the teeth , my favorite tool to play with the tops .

Kitn said:
LOL gekko , I don't know what the plant is in the background .We just moved here 2 months ago , dug up all the plants and put them where we could to make room for the garage. It is just starting to flower , so I need to get my Louis Hole perennial book and play name that plant .I have gardened for many years and some of them here have me stumped until the flowers appear.I will pm you when I figure it out .


Never heard of Louis Hole,but I've got an Allan on to all my gardening books in hope..has been a while since Ive had a decent garden,having gradually downsized from chooks,vegies n flowers to a little 45cm wide bed at the front of my flat :( Lots've pots tho,& realistically? I'd be over-run with weeds cos I spend all my free time soaping :) :)
Lois Hole is a Canadian , who ran the most beautiful greenhouses in Alberta .She wrote many great books on prairie (where I live ) gardening.

LJA said:
:::wondewring why we never got pix of kitn's new digs::: :D

you saw my soap kitchen in saponifactory thread .I have to paint in there and hubby needs to make some shelves and cupboards.

I will take pics when we get the hardwood revealed and the wallpaper removed , the counter top replaced, etc etc etc ,honest I will :D


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