I am fairly new here, been reading for a while, but never actually participated

The fishnet soap just "bothered" me so much. The more I lok at it, the more I think it is done in a log mold, using very heavy trace white soap batter (practically piping consistency) and very light trace dark soap batter. I would pipe oblonged white spots (as in the picture below).
Then I would very carefully, probably over a spoon, pour the thin dark batter, slowly in a thin layer. Then I would go piping white spots in the little "holes" or "valleys" ..
I am pretty sure the soap is cut as a regular loaf soap. You can see on the bigger surface of the soap, that the white spots are closer together, because their own weight kind of stacks them closer together.And on the top side, the dark lines are thicker because the are controlled by how the white "beads" are distributed.. I don't know, but that's how it looks to me. I definitely want to try it though

But drawing the picture in paint took a while, I can't imagine actually piping all of this!