Big ol crack!!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2013
Reaction score
Los Angeles, Ca
Bah!!! ImageUploadedBySoap Making1385087567.312576.jpg
Soooo frustrating!!!
That's so sad!
Are cracks like that caused by overheating?
I'm sure it overheated, it has honey in it. The frustrating thing is that this is the first recipe I've made before. So far every batch of soap I've made up a different recipe and used different butters and oils. This recipe, I made a few months ago and I LOVE everything about the soap and so did my friends (I even sent one to someone on this forum and she liked it too!) so I ordered more of the fragrance (which arrived yesterday). I did everything the same except I did CPOP. When I made the soap the first time I insulated it and put it in my garage which was at least 110 degrees at the time so the temperature was probably the same. I also made my own almond milk to replace the water. It took hours to complete.. so kind of a bummer.
I'm so sorry that happened to you, I know how frustrating that can be. I get that now and then myself, I feel your pain!
Try to re-texture the top with a chopstick or something while it's still gelling.

Yeah honey and CPOP don't mix.

I followed your advice and I think it looks ok now! I didn't really re-texture but I kinda just smoothed around the sharp edges with the chopstick. I think once it's sliced it'll hardly be noticeable. Thanks!!!
I followed your advice and I think it looks ok now! I didn't really re-texture but I kinda just smoothed around the sharp edges with the chopstick. I think once it's sliced it'll hardly be noticeable. Thanks!!!

Do you think they will break in use?
Hmm.. Tough to say. It doesn't look deep enough, but I'll see tomorrow when I cut. The top puffed up a lot, so the inside might just be a mess.
You could get rid of this whole thread and repost the picture and no one would know the top cracked. Looks so good! Bravo!!
Glad it worked out for you.

When I make recipes with honey it gels fast without the oven. Yesterday was a batch of unscented beer, cream and honey soap. Gel was complete in 4 hours flat. I cool it down as soon as gel gets all the way to the edges. That same recipe with EOs goes even faster! You can practically see the gel moving across the loaf. I pop that one into the freezer to get it to chill out when it has fully gelled.
They look fantastic! I saw your post yesterday and got all chicken about trying honey CP which was something I wanted to do soon. Now I want to try it even more. Using the MP to fill the cracks reminds me of Kintsugi. Very clever :thumbup:
bravo! they turned out beautiful. the drizzled mp fits the honey theme nicely, i also did that once with my gm-oatmeal-honey soap :)

cracks? what cracks? ;)
I'd say your save was super serendipitous! They look awesome. Was the layering part of the plan to begin with? And is your top drizzle that looks like mouth watering caramel the same brown as the 2nd layer? You did a seriously good job on that save. Props to you.

Sidenote: What's the deal with soap that looks like desert? If you put that on a plate I'd eat it.

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