Well-Known Member
Got an NG shipment in last week. Ordered $200 from WSP yesterday. Now BB has a sale! Talk me down! (or not, LOL)
Dang, until this post I didn't know there was a sale. You are all enablers. :smile:
So, thoughts on these BB FO's
Chai Tea cybilla
Nag Champa
Sandalwood Vanilla
Not from the Spice sale:
crisp anjou pear - the sample last month was awesome
Pumpkin Lager - used this last year, bars still smell awesome
Mint cocoa from surplus page
Unless the vanilla sandalwood changes in CP, I wouldn't recommend it. To my nose, it just smelled like sweetened chemicals in M&P - I couldn't pick up any sandalwood - only some imitation vanilla extract.
The Scent Works had the most amazing sandalwood vanilla EVER, but I think it's out of stock and shows no sign of ever being restocked again. I'm hoarding what I have left, every drop..........just for me! Sorry not to be of more help, but I'm still mourning the loss of this fabulous FO. If they go under, I sure hope someone picks up this one.
So, just ordered. And I added the lotus stamp. It is super pretty. NO idea what I'll do with it. I wanted the Batik molds, but for &%$# sake, I am SO SICK of paying $7 or $8 for a sheet of plastic that only holds 3 molds when it could EASILY hold more. It wastes space in my cabinet. The soap is that much harder to get out of the 3rd cavity b/c it it surrounded by plastic, vs the 1st two all nicely situated in the corners. Frankly, it's so irritating that it significantly diminishes my enjoyment of the molds.